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Monday, August 1st, 2005

    Time Event
    100 word Drabble for our 100 Members

    Original poster: unbroken_halo

    Here is my contribution for the 100 members celebration. This is the first time I have ever written a drabble and it has exactly 100 words.

    Title: Why

    Author: unbroken_halo

    Summary: Harry confronts Snape for some answers.

    Disclaimer: Not mine, JKR's. Although I think they might have a bit more fun if they were.

    AN: Um pre-slash? No real warnings or rating.

    Because is not an answer. )

    Current Mood: uncertain

    FIC: The Trap, 100 member celebration

    Original poster: moltensulfur

    I consider myself somewhat of an artist, but I'm crap at drawing people and body parts. So rather than drawing 100 "members" in celebration, I wrote this 1000 word ficlet (plus 20...for sentimental reasons).

    Title: The Trap
    Author: Veritas
    Rating: NC-17 (FRAO, whatever that means)
    Warnings: PWP, mild bondage, non-con, HBP spoilers
    Disclaimer: I did not inhale. I am not a crook. Nor do I own these characters and make money off of them. Seriously. On July 16, JKR made millions and I had to pay 20 dollars.
    Beta: First time using [info]hel_bee. Thanks!!
    Summary: An unexpected (yeah right, we all know it's coming!) confrontation as Harry searches for Voldemort

    sex, confrontation, and wanking dark lords, not necessarily in that order )

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: those damn birds outside

    part 2 of The Watcher

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    I have posted part 2 in the same post as part 1.

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