Pornicators' Journal
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Friday, July 22nd, 2005

    Time Event
    Round Robin news

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    [info]occasusvenustas has opted to do chapter 10.
    [info]snapesdarkling will do the last chapter, whatever number that turns out to be.
    [It's my comm, so no heckling,OK :) ]

    Please, Please

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    If you are under-age and a member or friend of this community, PLEASE remove yourself from the members or friend of list.

    People don't seem to realise the seriousness of this. I could face prosecution or jail if it is found that I am exposing under-age people to the material that is on this community.

    I know of one person at least who is currently here who should not be. I will give that person a day or so to take themselves away before I call them out on this forum.

    PLEASE DO NOT PUT ME IN DANGER. If this continues, I may have to think about dropping the comm. It really is not worth my livelihood, my reputation and my sanity if people keep being immature by deliberately endangering me.

    If you know of anyone who is under-age and who is a member of the comm, please ask them to find another age-appropriate place to hang out. I would appreciate it if you would also let me know who they are.

    Thank you.

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