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Sunday, June 26th, 2005

    Time Event
    Darkling's Computer Does Tricks

    Original poster: still_emerald

    Darkling, the poor dear, has asked me to post this for her as she is unable to do so herself. It seems that her internet connection decided to do its own imitation of the origins of the universe and performed the Big Bang for her. She is not anticipating that she will have access to the web again until Wednesday, at which time she plans to have a very serious discussion with said internet connection about the appropriateness of inanimate objects doing performance art. She encourages all and sundry to email her lest she lose her sanity and do something desperate like read a book or watch television. Apparently, the last time Darkling had even ONE internet free day was early in 1997. Since then she has not had a day without being connected. Needless to say, she is not a happy camper. So, send the love to

    Thanks everyone!


    Membership Request

    Original poster: still_emerald

    Hi there! This is a post for [info]agadinmar. Sorry to have to post this here, but we were unable to locate an email address on your bio page. Regarding your application to join Pornicators, the owner, Snapesdarkling was wondering if you could email her with an age statement (as there is an age limit of 18 for joining this community) and a brief outline of the sorts of fics you generally write. Her email address is Thanks a lot!

    Emma (backup Moderator who mysteriously appears when Darkling's computer explodes)

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