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Thursday, May 12th, 2005

    Time Event
    Fic Post -- Wax, Glass, Venom

    Original poster: cluegirl

    This is my answer to Darkling's Snow White challenge.

    Title: Wax, Glass, Venom
    By Cluegirl
    Rating -- Adult.
    Pairing -- HP/SS, LM/DM and SS/DM implied.
    Warning -- Dark Fairy Tale, Character death, some breathplay, somnophilia, non-con implied. Oh, and buttsex too.
    Disclaimer -- All characters are the sole intellectual property of JKRowling, who does not need to worry about what I'm getting up to with her boys, because she's much happier this way, and neither do her lawyers, because no profit whatsoever is being made hereby.
    Author's Notes -- For those who don't recognize it by the title alone, this story is a pastiche on Snow White, though it skips merrily through about a dozen other fairy tales on its way. They're like easter eggs -- how many can YOU spot? Love to [info]nimori, for a lightning-fast beta trade last night!
    For those in Australia, all characters involved in sexual situations are above the age of 18, regardless of their title or referential pronoun. For everyone else, read this how you like it.
    Feedback met with purrs and cuddles, as always.

    The fic is NC17, Australian-friendly darkfic, and I hope Darkling is freaking PROUD of herself for making me write it!

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