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Monday, May 9th, 2005

    Time Event
    New Fic:Slytherin Haze

    Original poster: unbroken_halo

    Hey everyone. Here's a new fic that just wouldn't rest until I wrote it. It's all because of something I read on [info]loupgarou1750's Livejournal and [info]stellahobbit's comments. They are wonderful writers and if you have never read their stuff then you should be spanked. I strongly urge you to go and read their work. Anyway, here it is and the last chapter of Paradigmatic Praxis will be up later tonight.

    Title: Slytherin Haze

    Author: unbroken_halo

    Rating: Mulled Mead

    Summary: Snape introduces Harry to sex, drugs and rock and roll.

    Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. Songs belong to their respective owners. If you go out, get stoned and get caught, it ain’t my fault. I wrote in fun folks, no money made.

    AN: Stellahobbit commented on Loupgarou1750’s lj about Snape and Harry, sitting in a beanbag, firing up, and listening to Jimi Hendrix. The picture stayed in my mind until I finally got this out. I hope it replaces the evil plot of which no one speaks. Snape in a bunny suit!?!?!! LOL

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    Current Mood: giggly
    Current Music: AFI Silver and Cold

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