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Friday, April 29th, 2005

    Time Event
    On a roll, Chapter 9 posted

    Original poster: _ataraxis_

    Title: To Hogwarts, With Love
    Chapter: Harry Does Some Serious Back Pedaling
    Author: [info]_ataraxis_
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Rating: Mature (Slash themes) - PG for now
    Feedback: Please, would be appreciated.
    Disclaimer: I don't own or have legal rights to any of the characters, put the plot is mine.
    Summary: Harry goes undercover at Hogwarts, as someone totally different, to find the new Dark Lord, and finds himself falling in love with his nemesis, Severus Snape.
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Mystery/Suspense
    Warnings: WIP
    Spoilers: None

    Current and previous chapters can be found at:
    HPFandom & The Silver Snitch

    X-Posted: My own LJ

    Current Mood: sleepy

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