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Friday, April 15th, 2005

    Time Event
    The Impossible Challenge

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    OK you lot. Here's a challenge. It is a difficult challenge.

    Here is what it's all about and what you need to do:

    1. Go to

    2. Read the contents of the drinking game

    3. Write a Snarry fic that contains none of the cliches listed in the game (I told you it was difficult)

    4. ETA:Just use the first part of the list, the ones that [info]dementordelta wrote. You don't have to avoid all the cliches added under the original list.

    Due date: The entries should be in by June 30th your time. Fics will be read by [info]snapesdarkling and [info]thysanotus and a winner will be selected.
    The prize: 6 months paid LJ time.

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