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Monday, March 14th, 2005

    Time Event

    Original poster: ravenrosebud

    Title: Caught
    Author: RavenRosebud
    Pairing: Snape/Harry
    Rating: R
    Summary: Severus catches Harry in his personal chambers and things take a turn he was never expecting.
    Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me; they belong to that nice British lady.
    Word count: 2,220
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    Original poster: savannahdreamer

    Author : [info]malachite_eyes
    Rating: R (unless masturbation is NC-17)
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Beta: [info]leianora awesome as always
    Summary : Harry potter is a voyeur, coming weekly to spy on the object of his desire. What happens when Severus’ behavior changes from mild mannered to fiery and passionate? When Harry moves closer, will he be touched? Or will he get burned?
    A/N: soo... here is the third segment of this piece, I was going to submit it to a fest, but I chose not to wait because I personally hate witing for the next part of a series I am reading. Enjoy.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: chants

    Disen Part 3 HP/SS

    Original poster: irana

    Title: Disen (3/?)
    Author: Irana Potter-Snape
    Rating: NC17
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Summary: Nothing in Harry's life is normal. Not his lover, not his childhood, not even his heritage. What happens when that heritage is revealed after the dark Lord's fall?
    Disclaimer: Nope. The characters or places are not mine. They belong to the lovely blonde British woman. The plot and the smut? Well now, those are mine.
    Feedback: Oh please.
    Beta: the incredible [info]celticangel76.
    A/N: The inspiration/bunny for the fic bit after reading [info]beren_writes Angels & Devils, and wouldn't go away. Then I saw the latest challenge for [info]hpvamp and thought, 'Perfect'. Thanks go to [info]dacro for the amazing coaching job she did with me on this, encouraging me when I thought I'd stuffed it all up.
    Additional Note: This chapter is shorter, but it really needed to end where it did. Chapter 1 Chapter 2

    The next three days showed Harry a side of Severus he had never seen before. He'd known his lover was a vampire of course, had seen him hunt and feed once. He had even been the one Severus fed on often enough. None of that, not even witnessing Severus' incredible speed, had prepared him for the sight of watching his lover change in the
    middle of the Forbidden Forest.

    They had gone together to the forest at nightfall the day after Harry's dream, both dressed in the clothing of Severus' clan. ,a href="">They had only walked a short distance when Severus turned to Harry, placing a restraining hand on his arm.</a>

    **Linked to my journal.**

    Current Mood: accomplished

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