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Friday, March 4th, 2005

    Time Event
    Disen Chapter 2

    Original poster: irana

    Title: Disen (2/?)
    Author: Irana Potter-Snape
    Rating: NC17
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Summary: Nothing in Harry's life is normal. Not his lover, not his childhood, not even his heritage. What happens when that heritage is revealed after the dark Lord's fall?
    Disclaimer: Nope. The characters or places are not mine. They belong to the lovely blonde British woman. The plot and the smut? Well now, those are mine.
    Feedback: Oh please.
    Beta: the incredible [info]celticangel76.
    A/N: The inspiration/bunny for the fic bit after reading [info]beren_writes Angels & Devils, and wouldn't go away. Then I saw the latest challenge for [info]hpvamp and thought, 'Perfect'. Thanks go to [info]dacro for the amazing coaching job she did with me on this, encouraging me when I thought I'd stuffed it all up.
    Additional Note: This chapter is shorter, but it really needed to end where it did. Chapter 1


    Harry paced the confines of Severus' rooms, terrified of finding himself once again in the Forest. More than that, he was terrified of his dreams, and the effect they had on him, and he desperately needed to know that all was well, or would be. He wanted the reassurance that he was not going mad, and that even if he were, he was still loved and wanted. He decided to pry Severus from his lab. All told, he wasn't certain he was ready to know the results of Severus' tests. He likely wouldn't be happy with the answer.

    He silently pushed open the lab door and allowed himself to take in the form of his lover, serene and confident, as he worked on potions the infirmary would need for the students return in a week's time. His movements were beautiful; smooth, efficient and elegant; an economy of motion highlighted by unnatural grace. Harry felt warmth spread through his body at the thought of all that concentration focused on him, and smiled.

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