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Friday, February 18th, 2005

    Time Event

    Original poster: bella_the_dark

    Recs... get your recs over here *waves big red flag*

    This is a lovely suvivor fic by [info]coeur_de_ma_vie

    It is called Shame

    Her info:
    I wrote a ficlet and now I don't know what to do with it. I'm still banned from so I'm at a loss. Would 'Detention' want it? Have a read guys. Tell me what you think (especially on the ending. I'm not too sure about the ending).

    Disclaimer: Severus Snape, Harry Potter and Co. belongs to J.K. Rowling. Alas, I will never own them.

    Warning: Underage sexual situation (17yrs old), Mild violence, Non-graphic rape, Other graphic imagery.

    Pairing: Severus/Harry

    Rating: R

    Author: Spirit

    She also wrote Green Eyes Sublime

    Now ... run away and read!

    Current Mood: creative
    Current Music: something by audioslave ...

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