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Friday, January 14th, 2005

    Time Event
    Dialogue FIC: Not You

    Original poster: ellipsical

    I mentioned in my journal that a problem I'm having with writing my synthesis fic to "Forethought" and "Afterthought" was that I'm hating to write dialogue. I love reading (other people's) dialogue, but writing it makes me gag. So my beta, being the task-mastering prat person she is, asked me to write a fic of nothing but dialogue.

    I wrote it. She thought it was fun, so does this mean my dialogue block is fixed? Perhaps. I'm going back to writing syn!fic. In the meantime, have a look, and if any of my gifted dialogue readers and writers have suggestions, send 'em.

    Title: Not You
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: I am SO broke, man! These characters aren't mine
    Summary: Snape hears a heartfelt-plea
    A/N: My Latin sucks, and I'm blanking on certain spells. Please point out if there's a better one I should have used.

    Read the fic here

    (x-posted to my own journal)

    Current Mood: good

    RPG news

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    If you are interested in applying for a character role in Dark Hope Rising, stand by. The call for applications will be issued to this community first so that Pornicators posting members and watchers can get first pick. I am working with [info]essayel, [info]bella_the_dark and [info]mnstr_fics to get the final ends tidied up.

    You can expect a post in the next 24 hours with the URL of the community and invitation to apply.

    I am very excited about it and hope we can get a game going that lasts until HBP is published.

    Love to you all and welcome to Pornicators if you are a new posting member or watcher.

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