Pornicators' Journal
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Thursday, January 6th, 2005

    Time Event

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Courtesy of the lovely and talented [info]ac1d6urn. Thanks hon.
    Challenge title:


    It can be the first meeting, a first fight, Harry coming back to Hogwarts after graduation and stumbling onto his old Potions teacher, first moment Snape realises there is something more to the infuriating brat than scar, glasses, and sheer stubborness, a moment after the final battle with Voldemort, a proposal, a confession, a promise, etc. The possibilities are endless. :)

    They sure are.

    Any media acceptable.
    Any rating although non-worksafe pics should go under a cut.

    Due date:

    Say, Feb 28?

    AS usual, get back to me if you want to take up the challenge or if you have questions.

    Above all, have fun.


    The Old hands Challenge Response: Final Release

    Original poster: unbroken_halo

    Here goes nothing. Let's just say I tried and I hope that I am not lynched.

    Title: Final Release

    Author/Artist: unbroken_halo

    Kink(s): Dark Fic, Angst, Biting, Character Deaths

    Pairings: SS/HP

    Rating: R For Language

    Challenge: For the Old Hands Challenge on Pornicators. Write a fic that is totally different than your usual style. Use: Infinitesimal, Perfidy, and Nostalgia somewhere in the fic. Minimum 2000 words. I didn’t quite make it but I think that it just might be fine where it is at.

    Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.

    Beta: Witchwere. I know I torture you love, but I always make it good for you in the end. Except this time.

    AN: This is not a happy fic.I normally write warm and fluffy stuff. They are usually long winded and descriptive. The few times I have attempted to write something darker I have been shot down. Now whether this is because I can do it so well that it actually hurts or I just suck at it, I don‘t know. I will let you be the judge.Read more... )

    Current Mood: anxious


    Original poster: madameceleste70

    Title: I Made Him Say It
    Rating: NC17
    Pairings: HP/SS
    Warnings: Slash
    Spoilers: none
    Summary: Someone stumbles upon a memory left unguarded. His actions and the consequences open a whole new world for both men.
    Challenge: Old Hands Challenge. Your task is to write a Severus/Harry fic differently to how you usually write it. You will also include somewhere in your fic the following three words: infinitesimal, perfidy, and nostalgia.
    Author's Notes: I do not write fic from first person perspective and usually include a lot more dialog. The character speaking in this piece is rather devious, which is a departure from my typical characterization of him.
    Beta: This fic is unbetaed so please feel free to point out any glaring mistakes.
    Disclaimer: We all know they belong to JKR and her band of merry minions.

    I Made Him Say It

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