Pornicators' Journal
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Sunday, January 2nd, 2005

    Time Event
    Fic: Matters of the Heart

    Original poster: storyteller

    Title: Matters of the Heart

    Author: Scela Letifer

    Rating: NC-17.

    Disclaimer: All property of J. K. Rowling. Even Harry’s bum.

    Summary: Ancient magic dictates that the heart is the center of life. In giving your heart to another, you no longer are the custodian of your death: the recipient of your heart is.

    Warnings: Allusions to rape. This isn’t a happy fic, so if you’re looking for fluff or pure smut, best not read this.

    Beta readers: [info]t_m_riddler . Love you, sexy beast. And also Emily, thanks so much.

    Author Note: For the “Without Fear or Favor” challenge. I changed the tense of the first sentence prompt, and I hope that’s okay. Fan art would be lovely, but is not necessary. Also, is quite a bit over 1000 words. But I guess rules are made to be broken (as aptly stated by [info]snapesdarkling ) but I only broke the rules after running around and screaming "OH NO OH NO", I assure you. So I suppose I am a bit of a rebel. Or a rather stupid newbie.


    Matters of the Heart )

    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: Rimsky-Korsakov
    Yes it's me, Darkling (I did it again, even though I said I never would.)

    Original poster: snape_hwl

    I'm here at [info]hogwarts_lives playing Snape. If you want to watch whats going on, you are welcome. There are still characters waiting for players, so perhaps some of you will join in. If you have never RPed, that's fine; there are a lot of newbies in the game so you will be in good company. Anyway, think about it but dont take too long, the game seems to be filling up.

    I love playing Snape.
    *rubs hands together with glee and stalks off down the corridor, robes a-swirl*

    Old Hands Challenge

    Original poster: deep_emerald

    Author/Artist: Deep Emerald
    Kink(s): Slash
    Pairings: SS/HP
    Rating: R
    Challenge: The Old Hands Challenge
    Disclaimer: As always, it all belongs to JK Rowling and her publishers.
    Beta: None, so let me apologize for any stupid mistakes!
    Dedicated: to Justin. May gentler winds carry you to your next big adventure.

    My usual writing style tends to be quite heavy with detail about surroundings and background information. I also tend to write happy endings with no main character death.

    Because I cannot seem to get the lj cuts to work for me today, I have instead submitted the story to Skyehawke and just provided the direct link. God, I'm useless with computer! Feed back is always cherished!

    Current Mood: contemplative

    Newbie's Challenge Response : Warmth and Family

    Original poster: unbroken_halo

    It's a little late for christmas but this was the first thing I thought of when I read the challenge.

    Title: Warmth and Family
    Kink(s):Established Relationship, mentions of Mpreg, Lots of WAFF
    Pairings:Severus Snape/Harry Potter
    Rating:R maybe?
    Challenge: First Sentence Challenge on Pornicators. Sometimes, Severus Snape just couldn't keep his hands to himself. It was supposed to be 1000 words but I tend to run on at the mouth. 1096 words.
    Disclaimer: Since I am a Texan I can't pull off the British accent. Therefore they are not mine.
    Beta:Witchwere. She says to warn you of sugar shock.
    Read more... )

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Hoobastank-Disappear

    Old Hands Challenge...

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Announcing a challenge for the more experienced members of the comm.
    The Old Hands Challenge )

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