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Wednesday, December 29th, 2004

    Time Event
    An oldie but a goodie...

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Have you read this I wonder? It is excellent.
    Clipped Wings
    Clipped Wings by Theresa Ann Wymer

    Pairings: Harry/Snape
    Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Dudley Dursley, and all other named characters are sole property of J K Rowling and Warner Bros. Also Hogwarts and House names.
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Alternate Universe (I profoundly hope!) Angst, references to prior character deaths.
    Notes: Part of the From Dusk Til Dawn - The Harry Potter/Severus Snape Fuh-Q-Fest at Challenge: Auction, Snape's for sale. Harry buys him.
    Betas: Endless, groveling thanks to Morgan D. and Seeress who gave boundless and extremely informative critiques in the midst of their own busy lives. Also, many thanks to Raspy, DeAnne, Austin, and James.

    Summary: After catastrophe, Harry deals with survivor's guilt and finds hope for himself and others.
    Category(s): Angst, romance, drama, AU.

    From our very own Aucta Sinistra...

    Original poster: snapesdarkling


    One of the best fics you will ever read. I should know, I'm her chief fangirl.
    New authors take note of the writing. Is masterful.

    drabbley thingies # 3 and 4

    Original poster: mnstr_fics

    title: do i have to have one
    Author: stepmnstr
    rating: still g
    Betas : darkling and irana
    count : 100 per POV

    A/N : written under the influence of waaaaaaaay to much musical theatre.
    A/N2: dueling POVs. they just wouldn't shut up.

    I couldn’t stay.

    I cannot leave.

    My entire life is here now as it has been for twenty years. That will not change. Those same people who worship his falling shadow have seen to that.

    To stay is to watch him bury himself even deeper in his myth. A truly Syltherin suicide, death by success that he won‘t acknowledge. I can’t watch him hide all he was, all he did.

    To leave is to risk the collapse of everything I have spied, schemed and sacrificed for. To leave is to admit that there is something out there that I want. Someone that I want.

    To stay is to fight. To fight him, myself hell just possibly the entire wizarding world. I’ve done that. Fought that battle, won that war. Finally. If I can’t have the peace and acceptance I’ll take quiet and isolation and I will like it.

    Is it acceptance that my deeds will never wash out the taint of what I had done, what I have been in the past? Or is it as his last accusing look implied that mere cowardice that keeps me here?

    I wonder at times what he saw in my face that last day in the hallway. I accept that I will never know.

    Current Mood: weird
    Current Music: nightly news

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