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Thursday, December 16th, 2004

    Time Event
    If You Hold on Tight Enough, Anything Is Possible

    Original poster: madameceleste70

    This is one of my earliest Snarry fics. Now that I've been in the fandom for more than a year, I'd probably write it a little differently.

    Title: If You Hold on Tight Enough, Anything Is Possible
    Rating: NC17
    Status: challenge fic, complete
    Pairings: HP/SS
    Warnings: Slash and the use of a broom in a way not intended by the manufacturer
    Spoilers: none
    Summary: Men and their toys, they are so naughty. Challenge fic with voyuerism and broomstick play
    Author's Notes: Part of the From Dusk till Dawn Severus Snape/Harry Potter Fuh-Q-Fest at
    Challenges: Must be exactly 5,000 words. 41.Snape is engaging in some self-love and Harry catches him (Kira), 179. Snape is being a voyeur, he watches Harry playing with his broomstick. How Harry's playing with the broomstick is up to you. (Nika Boadicea) and 87.Sex on a broomstick. Is that even possible? (Kira) Kira's challenge inspired the title!
    Beta: The lovely [info]amorette helped me in more ways than she could know. Even as she struggled with her own challenge and her busy RL, she took the time to beta my fic. She is a friend of the comma, pursuer of conflicting verb tenses, and conqueror of ambiguous pronouns (a true hazard in slashy sex scenes.) In my opinion, the fanfic world needs more people like Amorette to make us all better writers.
    Disclaimer: We all know they belong to JKR and her band of merry minions.

    If You Hold On Tight Enough, Anything Is Possible )

    An Uncommon Mixture SS/RL, SS/HP NC17

    Original poster: irana

    Title: An Uncommon Mixture
    Author: Irana Potter-Snape
    Rating: NC17
    Pairing: HP/SS, SS/RL
    Disclaimer: Nope. The characters or places are not mine. They belong to the lovely blonde British woman. The plot and the smut? Well now, those are mine.
    Feedback: Oh please.
    Summary: Severus has a theory that may make him the most sought after potions brewer in the Wizarding world. Now all he has to do is collect the ingredients.
    Beta(s): The lovely [info]dacro. Thanks doll. [info]essayel you are an absolute angel. [info]stepmnstr, thanks doll.
    Archive: [info]hpvamp. Anywhere else, please ask first.
    A/N: I wrote this for the [info]hpvamp Blood of The Werewolf Challenge in honour of [info]beren_writes's birthday. It was supposed to be Severus and Remus. I intended to do one thing with it, but the story took on a life of its own. Happy Birthday [info]beren_writes. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I had writing it. 3,298 words.


    No one knew what the effects of mixing werewolf essence with vampire essence would be. Severus Snape had an idea and he wanted to test it. Indeed, he even knew whom he wished to test his theory on. He smiled as he imagined the looks on their faces as the two unwitting men tested his latest potion. He had thought perhaps to try his experiment with blood, but saliva and semen were much easier to obtain, and he would enjoy himself thoroughly obtaining both.

    The fact that he would need to approach two men who would otherwise be unapproachable was immaterial.

    Cross-posted to my journal.

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