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Sunday, December 12th, 2004

    Time Event
    Fic Rec

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    From [info]fyre_bird Home for Christmas.

    Free bunny to good home/s

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Snape and Harry on the Knight Bus. How why and when is up to you. Short ficlet challenge: 500 words or less.

    ETA: Oh yeah... How much time do you reckon you'll need to do this?

    Intro with stories

    Original poster: pen_and_umbra

    Hello, all!

    I'm new here so by the way of introduction, here are four short stories of mine (previously pimped at [info]snape_potter). One of them was previously recc'd here, I think, but here's the entire series. All of the ficlets are separate entities though probably read best when taken in as a whole.

    Author: Penumbra ([info]pen_and_umbra)
    Pairing: SS/HP
    Rating: R to NC-17
    Status: Complete. Ca. 7,400 words.
    Feedback: Makes the world go 'round.


    Necessary Surrogates
    "The straight set of his shoulders is almost painful to see when I know he is the Atlas that holds me aloft."

    Three Days of Warfare
    "I realise I've made a Potter into my own image and the thought fills me with unbecoming hysteria."

    Distractions in Abeyance
    "He's beautiful and ugly and fucking perfect when he is like this, luminous with anger."

    Of Equilibrium
    "Unlike Lucius, Potter is an everyday vice with everyday consequences."

    Welcome aboard...

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    to [info]madameceleste70. Thanks for joining with us to prove that the Snape/Potter ship is still alive and kicking.

    Waves to all the fanciers of Snarry porn

    Original poster: madameceleste70

    I'm very excited to join you all here. This is my favorite Snarry that I've written. Enjoy!

    Title: Simulo Concumbo, An Exercise in Self Discipline
    Author: [info]madameceleste70
    Status: Complete – roughly 2,200 words
    Pairing: Harry/Severus
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Harry uses a spell in Snape’s classroom that earns him a detention. Snape is determined to teach Harry the finer aspects of self-discipline. Harry learns his lesson in a most unusual manner.
    Warning: Rimming
    Beta: Thank you, [info]emerald_123
    A/N: This piece references my fic, “Exonero Tumescence”, which can be found here.
    Disclaimer: We all know that this belongs to JKR and her band of merry minions.

    Simulo Concumbo, An Exercise in Self Discipline )

    Cross-posted to [info]snapish_smut and [info]hp_rimming

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