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Monday, December 6th, 2004

    Time Event
    Fic Rec

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Fine fiction link follows: Distractions in Abeyance by [info]pen_and_umbra. R rated.

    I have invited the author/s to the comm. *keeps fingers crossed*

    More recs for you

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Courtesy of the lovely [info]cydah come these recs. *hugs*
    Read and feed back to the authors. Let me know if you want any authors invited to the comm or if you find any fics that have not been recced to death elsewhere.

    Title: In Bleak Midwinter
    Pairing: Harry/Snape
    Rating: NC17
    Summary: Not another marriage fic!? The holidays take a turn for the
    worse when Harry is forced to marry Snape.
    Author's Notes: Heaps of thanks to my beta.

    Title: Aqua Fresca (465K)
    Author: Stella Hobbit
    Category: Drama-Angst
    Rating: NC-17
    Complete/WIP: Complete
    Warnings: Violence
    Summary: Set immediately after OotP, Harry witnesses Severus suffering
    under an unusual curse. Both of them struggle to come to terms with
    the new intimacy that springs up between them because of the vision.
    Author's Notes: If you don't like vampire fics, don't read this.

    Title: A Confederacy of Victims (19K)
    Author: JiM
    Category: Drama-Angst
    Rating: R
    Complete/WIP: Complete
    Warnings: Rape-Non-Consensual
    Summary: It is time for Harry to leave Hogwarts. But he has a few
    things to say before he goes.
    Author's Notes: This one is not for Dumbledore fans. There is a
    reference to a rape. I wrote this on a cold, rainy afternoon after
    reading way too much fic that attempts to absolve good people from the
    effects of their evil actions.

    Title: Creative Righting
    Author: Sansa
    Category: Romance, PWP,
    Rating: NC-17
    Complete/WIP: Complete
    Summary: One-shot smutty ficlet. Albus makes the staff get creative....

    Title: The Serenading and Seduction of a Certain Potion's Master
    Author: lightgoddess
    Category: Romance, Humor
    Rating: R
    Complete/WIP: Complete
    Summary:  What happens when a blind Harry returns to Hogwarts ten
    years after graduation? In that time he's moved to Texas and returned
    to England with a few new hobbies and talents, but why? Could it have
    something to do with a certain professor who's still not getting laid?

    And one incomplete but fun and unique:
    Title: Costume Play Part One
    Author: The Dragon's Daughter
    Rating: R for sexual situations
    Setting: Several years Post Voldemort
    Summary: Snape goes to a Cosplay Bar in order to find something and to
    his surprise he finds it.
    A/N: Cosplay is usually a Japanese phenomenon, but is not unknown in
    the US and (I assume) the UK, although it usually appears at
    Conventions and Look-a-Like Contests.

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