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Sunday, November 7th, 2004

    Time Event
    Snarry art, yo

    Original poster: lizardspots

    *waves* Hello, everyone! My first post here, and I thought I should link to all the Snape/Harry art I've done. Because hey, self-promotion makes the world go round. :P

    These are in order of rating. G at the top, NC-17 at the bottom.

    When You Lose, You Learn, G
    Sullied & Damned, G
    Lost His Heart, G
    Twined, G/PG
    The Spring Ball, PG
    Breathe, PG/PG-13
    * Dreams, PG-13
    * Ravish Me, PG-13/R
    Room For One More, PG-13/R
    * Trespassing, R/NC-17
    Impromptu, NC-17
    * Addicted, NC-17

    ...I think that's all of them. Hehe. Well, enjoy! *skips off*

    ETA: Apologies in advance, that a few of these pictures are a wee bit chan-ish (marked with an asterisk). Sorry... :(

    Current Mood: chipper
    Current Music: Nightmare Before Christmas - Sally's Song

    Needs of the Many parts 1 - 13

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Work in progress. This fic is AU. All sorts of non-canon rituals and magic here.
    This is a link to my journal memories containing the fic Needs of the Many.
    Pairing:Harry/Severus but also a cast of other wizards to boot.
    Plot:Harry undergoes a strange ritual in order to save the wizarding world.
    Rating:Definitely NC-17.
    Warning:May contain squicks to do with certain characters. Plenty of bondage. Angst to spare.
    Disclaimer: Apologies to Jo Rowling whose creations I regularly manipulate and to other Corporations who actually make money from her characters. I only want to have fun with them and intend no infringement of any kind. I definitely do not make money from my fanfiction.

    Word count: At time of writing this fic is about 18,000 words.

    Current Mood: accomplished

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