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Monday, November 1st, 2004

    Time Event
    RE Flying Carpet Challenge

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Being the idiot that I am, I got the date wrong.. Deadline for the Flying carpet challenge is indeed the 4th NOvember your time.

    Thank you for pointing it out to me.

    I do this with my students too, if that is any comfort.

    *heads desk*

    And AJ you better believe getting off your fanny and writing a fic is a damn Good Idea. *big grin*

    much love

    Spark HP/SS NC17

    Original poster: irana

    Title: Spark
    Author: Irana Potter-Snape
    Rating: NC17
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Disclaimer: Nope. The characters or places are not mine. They belong to the lovely blonde British woman. The plot and the smut? Well now, those are mine.
    Summary: Snape in leather pushes Harry to action.
    Feedback: Oh please.
    Beta(s): Lysrogue, Essayel & The Notoriousso4
    Archive: Part of the From Dusk till Dawn Severus Snape/Harry Potter Fuh-Q-Fest at 1,919 words


    It had been seven months since the Dark Lord's demise and the Wizarding world was still celebrating. The war had dragged on for three years after Harry's seventh year and Harry decided that it was about time he celebrated as well. He'd spent the long months after his twenty first birthday working with Aurors and Hit Wizards alike, rounding up Death Eaters and helping to plan the figurative rebirth of the Wizarding world.

    The problem for Harry was where to go and celebrate.

    NC-17 Snarry Foodsmut

    Original poster: chrysos

    My Magic Flying Carpet fic is in beta, so it should be ready on November 4th.
    In the meantime, I have here a fic to another challenge, Wave VI of the From Dusk till Dawn SS/HP Fuh-Q-Fest. Release date is today so here you are:

    Title: On the Versatility of Blackberries.
    Author: Chrysos
    Feedback: or here
    Pairing: Harry/Severus
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Harry pays a surprise visit to his lover to celebrate his birthday, but Severus has work to do.
    Warnings: Do not read this if you do not like blackberries. (Foodsmut)
    Disclaimer: The characters and setting belong to J.K.Rowling. The blackberries were picked by *ME*.
    Archive: Part of Wave VI of the From Dusk till Dawn Severus Snape/Harry Potter Fuh-Q-Fest and at my site.
    Challenge: Live goes on.
    Word count: 3458
    Beta’d by [info]angeline_dark, [info]brensgrrll and Carmen. You are wonderful! Many thanks for your suggestions and corrections.

    Don't you love playing with your food?

    I also made an illustration for this fic. Since it is definitely NC-17, it is secured with a password. I know, it's a bore, but I am  intransigent in this.
    Acquiring the password is easy: just send me an email, stating that you are over the age of consent in your country, and I will reply you asap. But mind you, I do not consider netspeak as an adult language. If you are a member of Yahoo! snapexharry or after_class (both adult groups) you'll find the password published there in a message on November 2.

    For those of you in possession of the password:

    ***NOT WORKSAFE***

    And DON'T forget to leave your comments!


    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Pornicators rolls out the red carpet for [info]amanuensis1 Amanuensis.
    May your Severus remains dark and sinister - like your fics.

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