The Insane Collaboration of Tabbi and Shinnite
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Back August 31st, 2008 Forward
shinnite [userpic]
Because One 275927 RP Wasn't Enough **Completed**

It all started as just a regular, boring day at Namimori Middle School. Exams were (finally!) over, and the students went to class eager for the short break they would get before progressing to the next year.

Even for Gokudera, it started as a regular day (though never boring, not with the Tenth around). He walked his boss to school (as usual), got into a fight with Yamamoto (as usual) and scared off a few girls who were eyeing the Tenth in unwanted ways (also, as usual).

So it's of great surprise to him that a blushing, slightly stuttering Sasagawa Kyoko walks up to him, her hands held behind her back as she shuffles her feet in nervousness. It's unusual because A) she hardly speaks to him anyway and B) she didn't seem the type to get nervous like this.

"Ah, Gokudera-kun, could I...could I talk to you alone for a minute?"

And Gokudera agrees, for this is the woman loved by the Tenth, the woman his boss will probably marry someday. And because he honestly, genuinely doesn't dislike her - she isn't like all the other, annoying girls who blush and giggle and eye the Tenth whenever Gokudera was around.

Also, he's curious.

Once they leave their classmates, shocked silent by the unusual event, start to whisper and gossip with eachother, and the classroom starts buzzing, like a hornets nest.

"Is Sasagawa-kun asking him out?"

"Oh my god!"

"Lucky guy!"

"Oh damn, I wanted to ask him out! He's hot!"

"Are you sure that's what it is?"

"I'm sure! She had a letter in her hand!"

...And so on.

Current Mood: tired tired
Back August 31st, 2008 Forward