September 1st, 2009

[info]ladynero in [info]porn_battle

Round Eight Prompts Request!!!

All right! The prompt requests are now open! You have until Tuesday, September 8 at 12:01am to get all the prompts in. After that, they will be sent to [info]jlsigman for posting for everyone to enjoy!

Now a few things for clarification:

NO ABBREVIATIONS There's a very good chance we don't know the fandom, so putting down FF7 instead of Final Fantasy 7 will get a finger shaken at you.

If the title has the word "The" in the begining, such as The Dresden Files, put it at the end of the name - Dresden Files, the - or just leave it off entirely.

All prompts need to be in the following format including punctuation: fandom, character/character, prompt. This is to keep everything in nice neat order since Excel spreadsheets (where we organize thses things) does differentiate between commas and colens. If a colen is part of the fandom name, that's fine. If you're using one to separate the three parts of the prompts, please don't.

Numbers in the fandom name: Especially for the Final Fantasies - use the Roman numerals, so Final Fantasy 7 would be Final Fantasy VII. Again, this is to keep everything organized and straight.

Once more, all prompts need to be in the "upper" comment posting. If you think of some other prompts you want to toss out there, then post again. There's nothing that says you only have to post once.

Thank you for your patience, but these were a few things that were irritating when I was trying to organize things after the last round.

EDIT: Crossovers and Real people fic are the following formats:
Crossover, fandom/fandom, character/character, prompt
RPF, person/person, (profession), prompt

EDIT: Because some people can't read and life is too busy to edit every entry I get, after talking with the other Mods we have decided that if you can't follow our basic requests in how to post prompts, you will get a warning to fix it. If the warning is ignored, then the post will be deleted and those prompts ignored. If it's just a couple mistakes, that's fine, we'll edit it. But not when a request is blatantly ignored and that same fandom was used as an example.

I apologize if this comes across as harsh, mean, or nasty, but frankly, we don't have the time to edit every singe prompt we get to make it all match up.

Thank You.

Prompts are now closed!!! The list will be compiled and sent along to the appropriate Moderator for posting.