April 13th, 2009

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

IJ Porn Battle ISO new maintainers....

Hi there! It's been a while since you all have heard from me and there are several, not very interesting reasons why. So moooooving right along....

My focus and that of several of my fellow mods, is moving from IJ to Dreamwidth. In that light, [info]darkrose, [info]helens78 and I have started up the DW Porn Battle community. For those who are going to be active on DW, we hope you'll be checking us out here.

Is this the end of the IJ Porn Battle? To be honest, I hope to hell it isn't. I know a lot of people who have every intention of remaining active on IJ and I'd hate to see the community fail just because some of us are splitting our time a little differently. And, selfishly, I will still be reading my flists here on IJ and I hope to take place in future IJ Battles.

In light of that, I'm looking for someone, or a team of someones, who is/are willing to take over the community. It's a concentrated burst of work while each battle is running, but it's totally worth it.

Please comment here if you're interested. If you have questions as to what is involved in running a Battle, feel free to ask.

ETA: For a breakdown of the process of running a Battle, see here

ETA2: [info]ladynero has offered to take over; if you're interested in helping her, reply to her comment below. :)