January 4th, 2008

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

This is how it works:

Some days, you want to write deep, serious, plotty fan fiction that addresses complicated issues and deals with massive amounts of character development while exploring a whole canonical world.

And some days? You just wanna write some porn, because, let's face it, porn is fun.

We can't help you with days like the former, but the latter?

For those days, there's [info]porn_battle, Home of Insane Journal's Only Patent-Pending Occasional Floating Porn Battle!

So what, you ask, is a Porn Battle?

The idea comes from any number of places; we're not sure who had it first, but we thank them for it.

In a nutshell, it's a win-win thing in which anyone who wants to comes up with porn prompts and anyone who wants to writes comment length (roughly 4300 characters) porn fic based on those prompts.

Many more details )

[info]telesilla in [info]porn_battle

First Round Schedule

Monday, January 7: A post requesting prompts is posted to the comm. You may begin posting prompts in the comments to that post.

Very late Wednesday/very early Thursday, January 9/10: Deadline for prompts.

Thursday, January 10: A post containing the list of prompts will be made to the comm. You may begin posting porn based on the prompts in the comments to that post.

Monday, January 13: Deadline for porn fics. Hopefully later that day a post containing some stats and links back to the fics will be posted.

Sometime in February: we do it again!