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Edition Sixty Five [07 Apr 2008|09:51pm]

If I've messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

Edition Sixty Five )
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Edition Sixty Four [31 Mar 2008|09:58pm]

If I've messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

Edition Sixty Four )
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Edition Sixty Three [24 Mar 2008|10:49pm]

If I've messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

Edition Sixty Three )
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Edition Sixty Two [17 Mar 2008|10:19pm]

If I've messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

Edition Sixty Two )
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Edition Sixty One [10 Mar 2008|10:17pm]

Huge thanks go out to [info]stellamira who did such a fine job last week. It was such a busy one too.

As I was away last week there's a big chance I've missed stuff. If so, please let me know.
Also, if I've messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

Edition Sixty One )
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Edition Sixty [03 Mar 2008|10:27pm]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]stellamira)

Hi, filling in for [info]turps33 and [info]turloughishere who are both at Camp Sparkle. If I've missed anything, messed something up or you want anything removed, please let me know. Thank yous go to [info]turloughishere, [info]turps33 and [info]daisydust and all other people participating.

ETA: If someone could tell me how to use the community icon istead of my own, I'd appreciate it.

Edition Sixty )
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Edition Fifty Nine [25 Feb 2008|07:15pm]

I'll be at Camp Sparkle, a popslash meet up, for all of next week. Turlough will be there too, so [info]stellamira is going to be in charge while I'm away.

Please, help her out and send her lots of links. Remember, self pimping is good! If you post something people should see, let her know.

Now the official stuff.

If I've missed anything, messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

Edition Fifty Nine )
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Edition Fifty Eight [18 Feb 2008|09:11pm]

If I've missed anything, messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

Edition Fifty Eight )
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Edition Fifty Seven [11 Feb 2008|10:50pm]

If I've missed anything, messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know. Thanks as always go to [info]turloughishere and all the people who take time to send me links.

There's a lot of media in this issue, please, if you download, say thank you. It only takes seconds.

Edition Fifty Seven )
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Edition Fifty Six [04 Feb 2008|09:06pm]

Edition Fifty Six )
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Edition Fifty Five [28 Jan 2008|11:00pm]

Edition Fifty Five )
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Edition Fifty Four [21 Jan 2008|10:38pm]

It was a quiet week in the pop fandom this week. Still, there are still lots of links behind the cut.

If I've missed anything, messed something up or you want anything removed, let me know.

Edition Fifty Four )
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Edition Fifty Three [14 Jan 2008|10:10pm]

If I've messed up, missed something out, or listed something of yours I shouldn't have, just let me know. I'll sort it out asap.

Edition Fifty Three )
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Edition Fifty Two [07 Jan 2008|06:41pm]

It's [info]pop_newsletter's birthday this week. On the 11th of January last year I posted in my journal asking what people thought of the idea for a newsletter for the pop fandom. Within a week [info]pop_newsletter was born.

52 editions on, and I hope people can see that while our fandom is slower, it's in no way is dead.

Now, before you get to the links you're here for, some thank yous, because I couldn't do this without help. To [info]cardalia who's sadly left LJ but got the memories up and running, to [info]turloughishere, who sends me so many links. To each and every one of you who come here and pimp your work, or others work, or just point me in the right direction.

Thank you also to the people who use the links and go to enjoy someone else's post, because in the end, that's what it's all about.

Okay, I'm done. Onto the official stuff. If I've messed up, missed something, or included something of yours you wanted taken down, let me know. I'll change things asap.

Edition Fifty Two )
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Edition Fifty One [31 Dec 2007|04:54pm]

An understandably small edition this week.

If I've missed something, messed something up or you want something or yours taken down, let me know. I'll do it asap.

Finally, Happy New Year greetings from us all at [info]pop_newsletter. I hope 2008 is fantastic for you all.

Edition Fifty One )
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Edition Fifty [24 Dec 2007|11:41am]

To everyone that celebrates the holiday, a very Happy Christmas from everyone here at [info]pop_newsletter.

As always, tell me if I've missed anything, messed something up, or there's something of yours listed that shouldn't be.

Edition Fifty )
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Edition Forty Nine [17 Dec 2007|10:05pm]

If I've missed something, messed something up or have listed something of yours that shouldn't be there, please let me know. Thanks as always to everyone who sends me links, and especially [info]turloughishere, my link gathering star.

There's a lot of media posted this week, please, if you download, think about saying thank you.

Edition Forty Nine )
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Edition Forty Eight [10 Dec 2007|08:12pm]

If I've missed something, messed something up or have listed something of yours that shouldn't be there, please let me know. Thanks as always to everyone who sends me links, and especially [info]turloughishere

Edition Forty Eight )
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Edition Forty Seven [03 Dec 2007|08:15pm]

If I've missed something, messed something up or have listed something of yours that shouldn't be there, please let me know. Thanks as always to [info]turloughishere

Edition Forty Seven )
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Edition Forty Six [26 Nov 2007|08:35pm]

If I've missed something, messed something up or have listed something of yours that shouldn't be there, please let me know. Thanks as always to [info]turloughishere

Edition Forty Six )
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