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abbindots#4841 & customs, but you have to abuse it. 💕 [01 Apr 2019|07:37am]
Introductions were never my thing, but I'll give it another shot. I'm Abigail. Or just.. Abbi, and I wanna know something!

If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be, and why?

151 comment

customs! [01 Apr 2019|01:29pm]
Hi, I'm Nat and I'm about to grab coffee #6 today. Ugh, Mondays. Tell me about your bad habits and if they've ever fucked you up.
59 comment

custom buddies? [01 Apr 2019|07:27pm]
hi everyone, i’m jeb and two of my favorite things in the world are beaches and yoga. tell me two of your favorites. do they go together as well as mine?
17 comment

[ viewing | April 1st, 2019 ]
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