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[30 Aug 2013|03:02pm]

Who: Daniel Smythe & Harmony Wagtail
When: May, 2027
Where: Harmony's flat, London, UK
What: A surprise visit!
Rating: Adorable
Status: Logged, Complete!

Daniel had read the letter three times over, and then promptly packed a bag. )

[01 Aug 2013|03:35am]

Who: Elliot (still Smith)
When: wayyy back to about ... oh, May 2018ish?
Where: Ravenclaw 4th year boys dorm
What: Elliot bros out with Allan
Rating: B for boys
Status: Incomplete

Elliot flopped onto the bed and dramatically announced he was changing his name. )

[07 Jul 2013|11:46pm]

Who:  Susan & npc!Arthur Phillips
When:  After this, 2010
Where:  The Phillips' home, Oxfordshire
What:  Susan comforts her step-son
Rating:  G
Status:  Narrative, Complete

''Dad won't let me go, will he?'' )

[06 Jul 2013|01:14pm]

Who: Gregory Goyle and Millicent Bulstrode
What: A confrontation
Where: Millicent's flat
When: last year
Rating: Warnings: language, some sexual discussion
Status: Complete log

It’s not like she could owl him and say ‘Greg, remember me...we were married for ages and I moved out on you? Did you notice yet?’ )

[03 Jul 2013|04:35pm]

Who: Oliver and Gwenog Wood (Jones)
What: A differing of opinion
Where: Wood Residence
When: April 2027
Rating: TBD? Definitely going to be swearing
Status: closed; in progress

He'd been waiting for this day for far too long. )

[02 Jul 2013|08:32pm]

Who: Millicent Goyle, Greg Goyle
When: approximately six months agoish.
Where: The Goyle familial home
What: Millicent breaks the news to her son.
Rating: R for language.
Status: Completed log.

It’s been a long time coming... )

[29 Jun 2013|09:39pm]

Who:  Susan & Wills Phillips
When:  2010 (Sometime pre-September)
Where:  The Phillips' home, Oxfordshire
What:  Arthur received a Hogwarts letter.  Susan has some explaining to do.
Rating:  Yelling, some language, nothing horrible.  Many feels.
Status:  Threaded, Complete

It wasn't a lie so much as an omission of truth, but at this point arguing the semantics of it probably wasn't much in her favor. )

[28 Jun 2013|08:52pm]

Who: Lee Jordan and Wills Phillips
When: August 2011
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Wills looks lost. Lee is more than happy to help.
Rating: General.
Status: Threaded, incomplete

Whimsic Alley was so much fun, it had been his favourite place as a child. )

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