PokeWifi - August 13th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
PokeWiFi of InsaneJournal

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August 13th, 2007

Welcome! [Aug. 13th, 2007|11:52 pm]
Welcome to Pokewifi, the mirror comm of PokeWifi on GJ and LJ!

Follow the rules and everything will be okay!
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Members Friends Code Directory [Aug. 13th, 2007|11:54 pm]
Members Friends Codes )

To be added to the list, fill out your name and your friends code. ^^
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Wall of Shame [Aug. 13th, 2007|11:58 pm]

People Banned from here
People get posted here because they did something that was a major no-no and Mod was very angry about it. I don't like posting people here but here's why they get posted here: Breaking the rules 3 times, spamming, or doing something stupid against the community.

[info]lucario - After removing her as mod, she made THIS out of jealousy and spite. It's basically a crappy rip-off of PokeWifi.
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Riolu! [Aug. 13th, 2007|11:59 pm]
Finally got a chance to fix up the userinfo. Hopefully it's to everyone's liking.

I have a bunch of Riolu's for grabs if anyone would like one. I don't ask for anything in specific. ^_^ All are male(I was breeding for a female for someone...that took FOREVER!). All are level 1 and renamable! I'm pretty sure all know Steadfast.

They all know: shadow claw, force palm, rock smash, and endure

2 Docile
2 Naughty

If anyone would like one, just comment here. ^_^


x-posted to pokewifi@LJ and pokewifi@GJ
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[ viewing | August 13th, 2007 ]
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