Poet's Passion - August 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
~Poetry & Melancholy~

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August 21st, 2008

News and Poetry [Aug. 21st, 2008|12:02 pm]


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[mood | chipper]

News first, I have started a poetspassion on scribbld, since there are NO general poetry communities there, none, not even dead ones like we have here :P

Poetry. I have two poems I wrote on a message board really quick. I'm not a calling them a work of art, but they were fun to write, and I'm fond of them. So I will share them with you.

There was a man
He likes lamps
he was a strange man
people liked to laugh at him
but he was just a man
like any other

one day when he was pushing his cart
that was full of beautiful old lamps
some mean boys called him an old fart
and it hurt his feelings
the cruel words hit his heart like a dart
and he was never the same

he's just a good old man
getting by as he can
he doesn't take charity
and he won't take insults
he has dignity
and grace
and can see the beauty in everything
even cruel people and old dusty lamps
we could learn a thing or two from him.


On a still winter night
warm bread sits
one might try with all their might
until one loses their wits
but they could not find so perfect a sight
on such a cold winter's night

One woman will just stare
breathing in the steamy air
trying to freeze it into her memory

One man will think only of
stealing a slice

But a little boy
that was nice
will sneak up at night
just to set things right
and share some with the little mouse

-by Meganekko
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