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ooc and storylines

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[08 Oct 2017|09:16pm]
this is Karissa or Rissa. She goes by either. She is former army and the girl that [info]panders married drunk. they're divorced but are semi friends. she needs it all so give me anything you want!
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[08 Oct 2017|11:10pm]
Hello Kiddos!

This here is Alexei and I just applied him and am hoping to bring him into your little game here. He's a thirty five year old divorced father of one (adorable as all hell!) little guy and a mechanic who owns his own shop (looking for ideas on the name of it as well). He grew up in Russia but moved to Montpelier for a better life. Ended up in Lilydale when he opened his shop two years ago. Just recently reunited with his younger brothers (who were both adopted as small children) and is working out a relationship with them and their families. Have a romantic line in place but would love to get him some more lines in general so if there is anything at all he can help fill for anyone let me know. I'd love to plot out something with any and all of you!
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