plottings - November 8th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 8th, 2008

[Nov. 8th, 2008|04:51 pm]
This is Zane. I decided on a wolf who is a heart surgeon. Everyone makes people something so easy or basic, or artistic. I wanted him to be something that he would never look like. THe whole outside the box thing. So hit me with your best shot! His bio is up, but the catch is you have to actually add his journal to see it. :)
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[Nov. 8th, 2008|06:04 pm]
Arria Roman, elder vampire, retired-self-proclaimed "vampire police woman". She's lived in Salem before, but it was so long ago that only other vampires who have lived here for a while would remember her. I'm game for any kind of line you can throw at me. I'll have a few lines to fill up in a bit.
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