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Private Line Plots

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[11 Feb 2008|03:25pm]
I'm Alex and I'll be playing Alecto Carrow. I've never played her before, so this should be interesting.
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[11 Feb 2008|04:24pm]
So it's been decided that 1978 kids will have a Valentines' Ball.

I'll put a thread up on Thursday and every can interact with one another.

Also, we can't start playing in 1997 until there's a Harry/Ron/Draco! So keep hunting, guys!
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[11 Feb 2008|04:28pm]
Since we're doing two time periods in parallel, I think everyone should put dates on owls and journal entries. Of course, this goes without saying for threads, but I know I would find it really helpful when I see a journal entry from Bellatrix and know which year it's from!


Alicia ♥
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[ viewing | February 11th, 2008 ]
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