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Plotting Bunnies

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[25 Aug 2007|11:34pm]

Ok, one for good start.

Fandom: No (or so I think)
Pairing: Richard the Lionheart/Saladin (or Salah al-Din Yusuf, Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi)

A love doomed in Heaven. Two great leaders brought together by the Holy War, torn apart by their shared goal: the holy city of Jerusalem. Can they find their moments of peace?

I know. It sounds like a summary of a very tacky harlequin story. The whole point of i
t is to make this story NOT so.

I’ve watched a TV program on history yesterday. It was about The Crusades. It was one of those programs that are just really accurate movies. It struck me how very close those two were, how deep were their care and respect for each other. My head instantly filed with images of those two powerful personalities drawn together, as if controlled by invisible force, yet unable to so much as touch. Very suggestive.

Also a story like this has the added bonus of the oriental scenography and the complicated background (political, religious, cultural differences). I hadn’t the time for proper research but there are a few tidbits of information about their relations on Wikipedia (just type their names in).

I have a few other on my mind. They are mostly Harry Potter, since that's where I'm most active lately. I'll compile one post of them and have it put up in a few days.
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HELLO! [25 Aug 2007|05:27pm]

 Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Plotting Bunnies, an asylum for stray Bunnies breeding in Your heads.

I hope this place will be a goldmine of ideas for Writers and Artists of all fandoms here on Insane Journal.

Have good fun perusing and posting.


ETA: Something I forgot to mention in the info: it's not a rule, but if You know that some people in fandom might be spoiled by Your prompt, please put it under the cut or use this code - Spoilers (highlight to view): < span style="color: white; background:white;" > (without the spaces in the HTML brackets)

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