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A Plotting Community for Our Burrow (Membership Op

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fawley & associates [18 Aug 2015|04:03pm]

To anyone who's reading this - Hi, it's Jenn. I'm just going to ramble on for a bit here, because that's what I do.

Basically, Amber and I were talking about baby plotlines, and the conversation came up about having a magical fertility clinic/sperm bank/etc exist in game canon... Because surely all that inbreeding causes problems after a while, and people want to ensure perfect magical children, right? So here's what we've got so far:

Fawley & Associates
1. Located in Aeri Alley.
2. Is a private co-op practice that was founded by Sebastian Fawley, although he has since retired. The partners who remain left the name as is because they couldn't reach an agreement on what to change it to and were tired of arguing about it.
3. The overall practice leans toward Women & Childrens health, although two of the partners have unique specializations that welcome patients of all genders and races.
A) Giacomo "Jackie" Goldstein, a behavioral psychiatrist. Many of his patients are victims of spell damage, or have suffered from trauma or abuse. People suffering from PTSD... He also does the personality screenings for Magical Seed clients.
B) Elladora Guffy Goldstein, runs Magical Seed, the fertility clinic portion of the practice. In addition to housing only the finest in magical specimen for female clients, she also utilizes a combination of magic and muggle methods to help couples who still want to try to have children with their own DNA.
C) [Your Character Name] Fawley, the child or younger sibling or niece/nephew of Sebastian Fawley, who was smart enough to become a healer, but might be kind of shite about it. Definitely a case of nepotism when they became a part of the practice. Kind of like an ob/gyn type.
D) [Your Character Name], only has children clients. Maybe Terence & Persephone's daughter see's this person?
E) [Your Character Name], only practices muggle medicine. Because wouldn't that be a cool ass twist?
4. Ideally these would all be characters in the over 30 crowd, just to give Meaghan, Kirley, Alexander, and the future new Bill more people to interact with.

Would love to hear more about this from anyone. Even if you aren't interested in being a part of the practice, if you have any ideas you think might fit well with it, I'd love to see them!

To shift this post to a more individual character aspect )
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Our Burrow : Plotting Community [18 Aug 2015|02:29pm]

Welcome to [info]plotb, an open community for Our Burrow. OB is a very social and character driven game, so this community was created for plotting. It's an opportunity for both current players and potential new players to talk about character ideas they have or want to see, and to work with each other to establish connections and different experiences to have. This community is completely OOC, with open membership so that anyone can join and start plotting.

This is a place for potential new players to talk about the character they are interested in playing, and discuss with current players potential connections.

This is a place for current players to talk about new character ideas they want to try out, so they can discuss with both potential new players and current players the potential character connections.

This is also an extension of our wanted ideas. Old, new, and potential players alike should feel free to post about things they're interested in seeing in the game, even if they might not be interested in playing them directly. Wanted connections, wanted concepts, everything.

Just think of this as the development center, and rough-draft community for the game. And also like an ad-community a little... but for OB only.
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