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[08 Mar 2009|12:38am]
her original post is here but i want more lines with everyone that came in. :)
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I love when my cat wakes me up this early by walking on my face. [08 Mar 2009|07:17am]
Yo ~solocup. This is Thatcher North Sullivan, 21, Phi Mu. He should be a senior but he took a year off to first work, then travel (you can read more about it than you'd ever want to in his journal) so he's a junior. He pledged his freshman year, he was actually supposed to rush Theta Chi (his father's frat) but wound up with Phi Mu after all was said and done. He's a troublemaker, class clown, smartass, goofball, anti-drama (but winds up in it anyways) and very very chilled out. He's very into travel, volunteer work, fine dining, comedy movies not excluding romantic, partying, and weed. He loves the ladies and he'll flirt/fuck around all day long, but has slept with very few people for his own reasons.

Aside from his super-unrequited love type thing(I'm talking "I love you" followed by "I LOVE YOU TOO YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD FRIEND LOL") that he uses as an excuse so he doesn't have to admit his self-consiousness, Thatcher needs every kind of line you can imagine and then some.
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[08 Mar 2009|09:17am]
this time change, dnw. before i go to work and kill myself there because it's honestly still too early, i'm going to make a little pimp for jake here. in the beginning he had a set girlfriend because well he was supposed to be in a relationship. that however fell through and now i'm going to make him single and loving it because i don't know it sounds pretty damn good right now. anyway, he's a senior. waiting to graduate then to be drafted into the nfl. hm he's the president of theta and pretty much lives up to the stereotype of the golden child. he's had some relationships in the past but always reminds on the friends side once they break up. he's actually a nice guy, doesn't stress out over the small stuff; unless theta gets them fined for having a party and someone like dying while they were there or something, idk idk. but yes i have to go now, all of his info is in the journal, just excuse the part about the relationship he's in. since that's false rn. also i'm pretty sure his twin sister is MIA so ignore that part too i guess.
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[08 Mar 2009|12:01pm]
i suck at being absent for DAYS and missing out on all the drama :[ so to make up for it i'm asking for some storylines because i know everyone want's a slice of this shit~

i don't do well with describing this guy - but his info post isn't exactly perfect either so i'll try my best with this. he needs lots of different things, i would love for him to have some enemies for whatever reasons we can think of. he also needs a few past hook-ups, maybe a ex gf that knows a deeper side to him which makes him act all venerable and weird around her. some future prospects of relationships and most of all FRIENDS because he is a jackass but he is a funny one and he isn't afraid to spread out.

in a nutshell he is a womanizer but he tries to be sweet about it. manipulates his way into all relationships by treating the girl like she is the next best thing since sliced bread. he doesn't think of himself as a manwhore more like he's doing something for god by sharing what was given to him around, handing out pleasure to every other female who deserves it~ he doesn't believe in God though :\ always up for a party and a drink and doesn't take college seriously at all. he basically came for the ride and experience and to get some fucking good memories and buddies out of it. and he isn't ashamed of telling everyone that, even the teachers. does his assignments to stay in and that's it.

i know there are a few people out there who have commented to him before but i never got back with a sl AND I WANT STUFF WITH EVERYONE :] xoxo
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yoooooo! [08 Mar 2009|09:10pm]
hey hey, i figured i'd throw this guy out for some more lines since the only people he really talks to are his boyfriend ([info]garett), his cousin ([info]mkyla) and his best friend ([info]natlie), and even there, i'm slacking. my apologies. this is riley thompsen of phi mu delta and he's obviously very happily gay. he's kind of a slacker, doesn't really care about school right now he's convinced he still has two more years to figure out what he's gonna do with his life. he's a jokester and is a bit of a dork, a lovable dork, but a dork nonetheless. he's adorable and he needs all kinds of lines.

his boyfriend is in the closet and he's very much out of it so there's that. he's close with his cousin so any friends of hers would probably see him hanging around her a few times, as well as any friends of natalie being that those two are his favorite girls. he's really easy to get along with though he tends to be kind of sarcastic but i promise it's always in good fun. past hookups would be amazing being that he tends to hookup without strings attached, Garett is his first real ~relationship~ and they're just starting out.

so throw those lines at me! his frat brothers would be ace though he thinks they're all homophobes now due to all the gay jokes that have been thrown around, friends in general since he doesn't have much of those both male and female.
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better late than ever [08 Mar 2009|10:44pm]
Ok so I am seriously lacking in the active department and its because I'm running around with my head cut off trying to get ready to head to Miami for Spring Break on Tuesday. So while I won't be on starting Tuesday for a week I would love to get some storylines with all you lovely people to get back to since the drama so far is pretty hilarious. This is Evelyn Diane Lily Montgomery better known as Evie to anyone who knows her. She's a senior and the tri delta vice president. Shes cousin to [info]kci and [info]reggie, best friend to [info]burnell and big to [info]mkyla. If I forgot to mention anyone here my bad I'm a flake like that!

She can be erratic with her mood swings running hot and cold on people. She has a really hard time trusting men because of mothers numerous failed marriages. She is quite the party girl and makes no apologies for it. She's the girl you see jumping on bars and then see passed out on the couch by the end of the night. She has no idea what responsibility means since she was given anything she wanted from her mother as long as she stayed in her place. She's sarcastic, goofy and carefree. She doesn't take life seriously and does whatever she wants to do without making apologizes to anyone for it. She finds it hard to be in committed relationships so has a trail of ex's she has left behind.

So I want lines with all of you crazies! She could use a female best friend, enemies, friends, drinking buddies, party buddies, ex's and anything else we can think of. I love drama so bring it on people!
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does anyone know where i can find drake icons? [08 Mar 2009|10:48pm]
bringing this drake bell in.
name: devon healy
age: 21
birthday: 2/1
hometown: dublin, ireland
grade: junior
greek organization: phi mu delta
sexuality: straight
major: music

he moved to the states when he was a teen after growing up in ireland. he loves music and it's pretty much his life. he can be an asshole and tends to come off as perv. because he doesn't get nearly as much sex as he likes. he's has a track record of leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him. he thinks it makes for good music and doesn't want to settle down in case his rock career kicks off. he cusses way too much and doesn't respect his elders. he thinks people should earn his respect and then he'll give them respect. the only girl he's ever truly loved broke his heart and so he broke her new boyfriend's face. he isn't the best fighter in the world but it's his determination and will to win that helps him win most fights. his one and only vice his is guitar. he's pretty much a man's man in every way except for the fact that he sometimes wears girl pants. he calls them his unisex jeans. he returns to ireland every winter to spend christmas but he doesn't visit his mother. according to devon, ireland is a musicians and a writers dream. his accent is still strong because he lived with his father and his father never lost it nor did his sister. i still need his little sister who is extremely close with. he knocked up a girl and then demanded that she have an abortion. the girl lost the baby on her own and devon felt horrible about it and ever since he's been against abortions unless it's harmful or rape. even though he's against abortions he hates to use condoms but with the disease today he finds himself using them more often than not. there's something about american girls that really drives him wild. just like the stereotypes he's a brawler and a fighter. he finds irish stereotypes to be amusing and usually makes fun of himself if a person brings them up. he's one of those people that can laugh at their self but hates strangers laughing at him. friends can laugh at him if they want. he doesn't mind. he loves food and usually always has something to eat with him even if it's for later. meat is one of his favorite things to eat besides girls. he loves brunettes and likes hot blonde girls but they can't wear too much make up or have too many tattoos. he's a sexaholic, textaholic, alcoholic, and chocoholic. ahe's been arrested a few times but for being drunk in public and having sex in public. and he's in a band, his band. i want him to live. please give me lines.
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[08 Mar 2009|11:01pm]
With the new slew of apps I'm throwing Milo back out for more lines! He's openly gay, dating Harris, and is known for having a light stutter. He's very much more inclined to female friends, but I'd love past hook ups and guy friends as well. His AIM is rentboymilo.
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