Pâtes la Crêpe ACADEMY :: OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Pâtes la Crêpe ACADEMY :: OOC

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[26 Jul 2011|09:59am]
Okay I think I probably won't need a hiatus as much as I thought I would yesterday, but if I do have to disappear, that's what's up. Just so you guys know.
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[26 Jul 2011|09:08pm]
idk what I'm doing.....lmao. BLAME THE FAIL that is Livejournal right now. its so easy and breezy over here.

Hi everyone! I'm Sabi, fresh meat bringing you a new teacher, Kuja from FFIX! He's here to teach you mindless idiots sweet little students the history and culture behind Theater so that you may have a greater appreciation for it like himself. Unfortunately, someone is already the acting Drama Club Adviser. Must eliminate them. So instead, he's going to be the acting Magic Club Advisor and teach everyone a thing or two on what he can do. Do try not to disappoint him, he hates that. Though I'm sure he won't hesitate to let you know this.

If you're interested in plotting or chatting, feel free to contact me over on my plurk since I rarely use AIM much these days. I'll be intro-ing him once I am done setting up everything. ♥
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[26 Jul 2011|09:50pm]
Hi everyone Tay here!

Sometimes I get all mixed up so I want to check here with everyone! If you are on a hiatus or semi-hiatus and you are not marked as such on the Taken Page or you are no longer on a hiatus and are still listed as being on one, please comment in reply to this post to make certain that we have the correct information. Thank you!
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