Pâtes la Crêpe ACADEMY :: OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Pâtes la Crêpe ACADEMY :: OOC

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Official Roommates List for Hotel [23 May 2011|09:31pm]
Cloud & Ion
Hiro & Tooru
Albel & Soma
Claire & Tidus
Buffy & Usagi
Zack & Squall
Aerith & Ritsuka
Natsume & Watanuki
Ciel & Harumi
Lelouch & Kadaj
Juri & Gwen
Miku & Rei
Rinoa & Terra
Nero & Ellis
Suzaku & Alois
Yuna & Kevin

Sylar & Crane
Sebastian & Morrigan
Nathan & Peter
Brennan & Arthur
Soubi & Sherlock

[OOC: If you think your character was missed, comment in reply to this and we'll get it sorted out. I don't think we missed anyone though? But you know, mistakes happen. ]
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Activity Check-- END. [23 May 2011|10:22pm]
Activity check is over! Glad most of you are staying with us, here's the list of those who are dropped this time:


Please remove them from your friends lists.
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[ viewing | May 23rd, 2011 ]
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