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Jun. 3rd, 2010


Hola hola kids, I was reading today and I came across the Strut for a Cure event held in Canada for the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation, and was thinking perhaps Ainsley could hold an event like that. It would be a party held with celebrities as well as models walking the runway in a designer's clothes with musical entertainment alongside them. You can read more about the event at the link I posted above, since I'm horrible at really explaining things like this. But I would have the event take place in mid-July, and I would love to have as many people participating as possible! What is really needed is 1 designer whose clothes will be worn on the runway, 4 or 5 performers, 15 models (male and female), and an emcee! Thanks so much.

May. 29th, 2010


sorry to leave so soon, but i'm not really feeling jessy. sorry, guys! but i'll definitely be back as someone else.

May. 28th, 2010


Hi everyone!

I just wanted to drop a note letting you guys know I haven't diappeared. I've just been having a really busy week at work. I apologize to anyone I have lines with. Anyhow, if anyone wants anything, let me know. Comment here or at her journal. We can set up a custom or something :)

May. 26th, 2010


Feeling silly at the moment, so please bear with me.


ROLE CALL! (sorry, I had to!)

I'm calling for some lines to be filled in two different projects )

Please comment if you have any interest in any of these roles! Porter would love working with you! Thanks!

May. 23rd, 2010


i'm not technically a member here still but hai i still got posting abilities in this comm.

May. 21st, 2010


A.J.'s Summer Project!

If your character/character's band is politically inclined and wants to be part of a good cause, pick a date for them to speak or play this summer!

A.J.'s unnamed The Re-Declaration of Independence political festival is going to be a combination of a 'Get Out The Vote' rally, a place where people can debate political issues, talk to local politicians, register to vote and listen to really great music. So far he's got Phoebe, Nathan/Five Seconds Falling and Jensen/Ex Nihilo on board but there's plenty of room for speakers and for bands. He's trying hard for this not to be a Democratic Party rally, though a lot of the groups who will be at the 'fair' will probably have more liberal leanings.

He wants to do one more date outside of Illinois, so anyone who has a suggestion, give it! AUSTIN TX it is! And for the record (haha) Rep Duncan Hunter is A.J.'s roommate that he talks about all the time, hence the La Mesa date.

The concert will cost $25, $20 for students with IDs, and the money goes to The League of Young Voters, Declare Yourself, The American Red Cross and the National Wildlife Federation.

pick a date, any date! )

May. 17th, 2010


A.J.'s summer plans....MAAAANNNN

Since people got the idea in his head, A.J. is planning a sort of Political Lollapalooza, with bands, local politicians meeting people to talk about issues and registering people to vote. He really wants to gear it to people his own age and younger (20-30) with lots of fun activities so it doesn't feel like some stodgy political fund raiser. At first it was going to be to raise money for his re-election, but he's reconsidered that and decided he's going to donate the money to a few places: The American Red Cross, The League of Young Voters and maybe a couple more charities that are involved with the oil spill relief effort.

The time frame he's shooting for is July 9-11, every weekend in August and Labor Day weekend. Congress has a week off in July, and then 5 weeks of the summer recess. Mostly what he needs are bands, and the summer is high touring time so it's going to be tough but he'll take anyone who would like to be involved. At least 2 of the shows will be around the Peoria area, the center of A.J. district. I'm still in the planning stages, but I'm willing to take any suggestions!

May. 16th, 2010


Just a short note to let you know that I'll be in Mexico from the 18th until the 22nd. I'll have very limited net, and plan on getting tipsy with mom so I do not plan on being of very much. I will respond to any tags when I get back, and will happily start threads at that time as well!

Milo/Tess/Cate's player


This was possibly the most difficult decision of my life, but I am dropping Sidney and [info]cassgreene. I've been in the worst RP mood lately, and after taking two weeks' hiatus for finals, I felt this was the best choice even though it's really difficult to part with either of my girls. It's been a great YEAR with Cass here, and almost six months with Sid. If anyone wants an OOC form of contact, feel free to ask, and expect a ~youareamazing post sometime in the future. I'll miss you all tons!

♥ to an infinite proportion,

P.S.: Sid is taking [info]miziolek with her. It was fun while it lasted, my loves!

May. 14th, 2010


I'm pulling Finn and ~meital. I will always love and support re and I will refer peope here all the time. It's just not the right home for me right now. If you want to keep in touch ooc just pm me and I will send you my contact info. Again, expect a monster yaa post in the future. Have fun and keep writing.

Apr. 30th, 2010


Just a reminder to everyone that nerdprom The White House Correspondent's Dinner is this weekend. Basically? A big meeting of Hollywood and Politicos with a bunch of parties all weekend. A-Listers usually show (The IRL list of people so far is here) so I figured I'd give a heads up in case anyone wanted their kid to come. I can get a full weekend schedule if anyone is interested. Consider this the official talking post?


Two of these OOC posts in two days, I'm on a roll. Sari's set to start filming the LA to Tennessee leg of Around the World in 80 Days in 11 days but her partner was recently removed from the game, is anyone else interested in having their character take a TOP GEAR-esqe trip across the states with her?

Apr. 28th, 2010


a heads up...

Hey everyone. It pains me to do it, but I've decided to change Jensen's PB. As beautiful as Jonathan Kroppmann is, it's become harder and harder to find photos of him that haven't been used since he's literally dropped off the face of the modeling world and gone into hiding. I guess it does suck to be really really really really ridiculously good looking. Anyway, I'm changing the PB to David Kennedy. Still incredibly musically talented, still tall, still incredibly handsome, still tattooed to high heaven (more so than Kroppmann). Everything still applies character wise, with the exception of being a ginger. And being more masculine.

Just a little, anyway.

Comment if you've got any Qs! Thanks!

Apr. 26th, 2010



Are there enough people interested to warrant doing some sort of organization thing around the Cannes Film Festival, since we're about a month out and all of the films/juries have been named?

Apr. 24th, 2010


Please remove Ace for the time being. Thanks!

Apr. 22nd, 2010


yowza! I totally meant to do this yesterday but it's midterm week and time has really gotten away from me. So sorry for the lateness, but here's a schedule for today's Earth Day show at the Hollywood Bowl, if something doesn't work for someone, please let me know, and please feel free to use this as a plotting post. all times are PST.

show schedule M.C. - Thatcher Sullivan
12:15 pm - Cam & Elijah from The Midnight Train
1:00pm - Rhylie Martin
1:30pm - Matt Jones
2:00pm - Bit Rawn of Swan Song
2:45pm - Shiloh Hyland
3:30pm - Evie Greenhart
4:15pm - Necole Flynn
4:45pm - Thatcher Sullivan
5:30pm - Phoebe Hollingsworth (ft. Lucy Davis on smoldering guitar)
6:30pm - Colin Hughes
7:30pm - Requiem Villa
9:00pm - The Fire Fund
11:00pm - show's over!

okay! that's what I came up with, I didn't include those who offered to play if more people were needed, since I think this is a pretty realistic time frame, but if someone else really wants to get in on it, I'm sure we can fit them in somewhere! For actors who said they'd attend--there are going to be signings tents (with proper security of course) for those who would like to sign the show's green friendly merchandise for fans who buy it (all of the proceeds from that will go back into the charity as well), if your kid can't do the tents, they definitely have the option to sign merchandise to be auctioned off later. I know there was a mention of some skits in between set up, but my brain is fried and I can't really think about how to facilitate that right now--but if you guys have ideas on it, feel free to comment <3333 again sorry this is so late D:

Apr. 19th, 2010


so consider me a failboat for not bringing this up earlier but the idea just came to me today (damned research methods taking up too much brain space.) I was thinking, HOW COOL WOULD IT BE if Phoebs organized/played a charity Earth Day concert in LA? Very cool I'm thinking!

The concert would be on Earth Day (4/22--three days from now, again I suck, sorry for the short notice) in Los Angeles and I'm thinking tickets probably sold for like $20 a piece and all proceeds went to a bevy of different environmental charities namely the "green for all" campaign and rainforest action network.

depending on the amount of interest generated it can be a big show at the hollywood bowl, or something more intimate at The Greek Theatre. I'm thinking of having The Fire Fund headline since ya know, Coldplay is a huge band and that seems obvious (puppeting rights, oh how I love thee) but Phoe is gonna play and I would love other people to play, too!

I'd love to have one big name actor/actress act as an MC for the event, as for other actors, I'm not sure how to get you guys involved, if anyone has ideas on that I'd love to hear them! Anyway, just wanted to toss this up and see what I could get <3

*EDIT* thanks to ~pescariu for the idea, but, maybe actors could perform some skits in between music sets? Also, I thought about having signings tents where they could maybe sign things for a charitable donation?

Apr. 17th, 2010


CASTING CALL...kind of?

So I don't really have all the information (you guys are getting it as fast as me) on The First Avenger: Captain America, but they have four roles locked down. Cap, Peggy Carter, The Red Skull, and Bucky Barnes. All four have been casted already, and this is me attempting to find castmates. Last I checked, someone had held Peggy Carter in [info]roeper already, so I'd love to get at least these other two roles filled. Just so people know, it IS a period piece, as a good chunk of it takes place during the WWII time period.

The Red Skull is the film's antagonist, and info on him can be found here. The real life film has Hugo Weaving casted as that, so I'd at least like someone older to play the role.

Info on Bucky would be found here. This is perfect for a younger actor looking for a great supporting role. I haven't heard if this will parlay into a role in The Avengers, but the rumor is there. It would be a great platform for a younger kid with not many "major" credits to get a shot at a summer blockbuster.

Obviously, I'm not the guy deciding roles, but I wanted to put this out there, hoping to find some people Jake will be getting to know/love/possibly annoy over the next few months!

Apr. 1st, 2010


Hey guys! In case you are unaware, tomorrow is [info]moseby's birthday so his friends have, of course, planned a party! It will be in Los Angeles at The Orchid's Karaoke Club (where you can also play Rock Band 2!). A group thread will be posted tomorrow, as well as an ONTD post either tomorrow or Saturday. This post is where you can let us know if your character is attending, drop off any pictures (candids!), and pick a song or two that your kid might have been heard belting out like a maniac! :)

Mar. 26th, 2010


i'm dropping lenny. she's not contributing to the game and this will help on the way to bringing the cap down. if you want a psl or anything with her let me know.

Mar. 22nd, 2010


Just wanted to let you all know I'm back from my trip and so are my characters!

Mar. 13th, 2010


Officially switching his screenname.

king miers is now gnmiers

Mar. 12th, 2010


Just a quick note to say that I'm going out of the country for Spring Break, and for the first leg of my trip will not have any net access. I should have something once I reach London around Wednesday! So my characters will be quiet until then.

Mar. 3rd, 2010


i meant to do this like a few days ago but i've been so fricking busy and the days all sort of lumped into one so in short, i suck! i need a short hiatus til next tuesday for Jude, between school, work, a social life and charity events my head's about to implode! we'll just say her nazi trainer took her iphone so she's on radio silence to the world! any of her friends who are worried for her are free to spam her :)ttfn!

Mar. 2nd, 2010


More Oscar Stuff

Hi, your friendly neighborhood "Oscar host". Quentin's player and myself have a whole big thing we're planning as a ONTD post about how the Oscars were hosted, and I'd love to hear when you guys need that posted. Does anyone need to work around it for their own posts, or will just a few hours "early" be okay?

Mar. 1st, 2010


Changing Alex's PB to Hank Azaria. Thanks.


i'm sorry if i was in the middle of a scene or a conversation and i just went MIA. my meebo is messing up royally. dumb bitch. leo hopes you're all crying over it :/

Feb. 28th, 2010


Did we ever get a specific date figured out for the charity Roller Derby? I checked the post but I didn't see anything other than it was set for March.

Feb. 25th, 2010


Anyone up for a play? :D


Kinda random, but since ~tamwes is no longer here, I'm just going to NPC Milo's sister for now on. So he still has his little sister Tamara who is an actress in the sci fi world (with ambiguous credits we never name...) for those who are close to the Weston family.

Feb. 24th, 2010


I just can't pull the trigger and decide! Anthony Weiner (the current PB) or Hank Azaria? Cookies and promises of comments/plays/random convos/love/etc. to all of those who answer this!

Feb. 21st, 2010


I was wondering if someone could help me. What are the in-game details for the BAFTA awards tonight? Is it too late to add Coline to the leading actress line up for The Young Victoria? I'm fairly certain there was a post about it some time ago, but I wasn't sure if the slot filled up completely or not. And if anyone is around later tonight, would you all be up for a thread/scene for an after-party? Thank you for your help!

Feb. 17th, 2010


As much as it pisses me off to say, I have at least one and possibly three malware programs on my computer and I CANNOT get rid of them. I didn't have malware bytes on it because I rebooted this whole system once when a bunch of malware running at once made it crash, and I put it off too damn long. I downloaded it, but it wont let me run the setup.

If I have to reboot it again, it takes about an hour and I wont have nay of my stuff unless I can get it to back up. (Although I'm worried about what it will have corrupted on here). For now I'm hoping AVG saves my life. So if Simon isn't around at all for the rest of the day and poossibly tomorrow, I'm probably screaming at Norton for my $75 back.

Feb. 12th, 2010


So the harddrive on my laptop is fried and obviously I won't be around til at least Tues. I'm going to try to get the aim app for my phone, but outside of that anyone who wants to do anything with this kid start me up a thread. I'll try to check up from my phone/roomate's journal from time to time but it won't be for long.

Feb. 9th, 2010


My brain is dead now. >.

Hey [info]rogerebert,

It's been over a year, and guess what?


Feb. 6th, 2010


Bored as hayle. Anyone up for play tonight?

Feb. 4th, 2010


Changing Ike's face to Simon Baker!

Jan. 31st, 2010


I personally want to apologize for my last post. I was trying to fix the html and fell asleep. My cousin who was on the internet sent the post because she probably thought it was done. I'm sorry!

Jan. 25th, 2010


With the announcement of Lilith Fair, I kindly asked the mods for approval to come up with a post to house a list of female musicians who have been announced for the tour - thus we have a central list for things that are for who is going to be performing. At the moment only the cities have been announced (and more are trickling in every so often in seems) but the dates of the original fairs were June to August - so that's what time fair we are operating on. Oh and don't worry if your characters can only make a handful of dates and not all of them very few (only Sarah actually) make it to all the dates. It's a celebration of women in music so it's for the ladies... just like the actual Lilith Fair so on to the list :

Anne Williamsen (all dates)
Barclay (tentative : figuring out schedules)
Bettie (limited dates)
Evie Greenhart (tentative ; all dates)
Jemma Ivy (tentative ; all dates)
Kelsey Hyland (all dates)
Liv Hunter (limited dates : due to filming)
Phoebe Hollingsworth (all dates)
Sydney Finch (limited dates : due to filming)
The Skeleton Keys
Vivyan Lang (limited dates)
Zella Evans (tentative ; limited dates due to pregnancy)

Jan. 24th, 2010


Good morning!

Before I start writing this guy, I want to see if anyone wants any lines. I'm leaning toward acting, but I'm open to suggestions for anything. Is there any roles that anyone needs filled in particular?

Jan. 23rd, 2010


Oh, hello there REers!

Alright, so Walter Harrison here is the host of the Oscars, and I just realized that he needs a cohost this year (since it's a Martin-Baldwin projects IRL). So I'm throwing this out to anyone interested, but there should be a few things remembered. Hosts are usually NOT up for major awards, usually over 40 and well known by the general public and have at least some comedy under their belts.

If you're interested, leave a comment here and we can plot out how they ran the night, et cetera. Also, the roeper credit is 2010: The 81st Annual Academy Awards... Himself/Host if you nab this up.

Quentin it is!

Jan. 19th, 2010


I keep meaning to do this and then I keep forgetting. Story of my life. According to ~roeper there isn't anyone set up for 27 Dresses, so I wanted to check and see if it'd be okay if I just picked a time at random for it to premiere this year? I was thinking of having it release a little before Valentine's Day, for maximum cheese, but I wanted to double-check on all of that before I started making updates and statements from Elly in that direction.

Also, unrelated (at least specific to that particular movie): fellow Mr. Nobody cast, what's the game plan so far for filming and the like?
Same with Wolverine, from what I can tell it's done filming and is set to release sometime this year, do we have a general time frame on that?


Just a heads up that I have made the Big Jump from Chloe's previous PB to Victoria Asher. Everything else remains exactly the same. Carry on. <3

EDIT! ONE MORE MAJOR FACE CHANGE! Remy, the dog, no longer looks like Puddles Piglet the Shar Pei. He is now Gizmo the Pomeranian. Sorry for the confusion. xoxo

Jan. 16th, 2010


A quick note to let people know that Milo's journal is now ~miloweston and not ~westonmilo. If you click any westonmilo links/type it into search you should still get Milo's journal though. Just the last step of giving Milo's journal and information a big old face lift!

Jan. 15th, 2010


Going off of [info]genovino's previous post - Vivyan will be doing her best to attempt to organize an east coast benefit concert for Friday, January 22nd to go along with the concert happening on the west coast. So for characters that will be in New York at the end of next week and would like to participate in the concert - feel free to comment! I would adore a couple actors who are willing to play host of the concert.

Vivyan Lang
Lennix Flynn
Necole Flynn

Brianne Monroe & Roxanna Zignani

Jan. 13th, 2010


hey scott pilgrim kids! read me!

heyyy so here's the deal dudes -- i started an internship last week and didn't get to post this any earlier than now. basically though i wanted to touch base with all of the kids who're supposed to be involved in scott pilgrim cause i know there are a few out there now! filming, i figure, should start this month sometime. preferably as soon as possible, really. i'm not entirely sure how long it took to shoot for real but i figure a month and a half-ish now/soon would be okay, and then maybe a separate chunk of time later in the spring to film the scenes that happen outside when there isn't any snow on the ground/the light doesn't look obviously like winter light. (i'm a detail hound.)

anyway, let me know when filming is good for your kids! i know there are a few characters out there who don't need to be there the whole time, but throw your two cents in anyway. if you have any better knowledge as to how long filming should take, let me know. i've never actually had a character who played the starring role in a movie before, so i'm kind of new at this.

Jan. 12th, 2010


Tonight (the 11th) marks Milo being in the community for six months, and I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone here! Milo was my first faux-celebrity I'd ever made, and this community was nothing short of amazing during those first few weeks (huge hugs to ~celeste who made me icons, showed me how to do the ONTD! posts and basically crafted the credits with me). I'd throw up a ~youareamazing, but I'm pretty sure I'd just end up listing all of you!

So thank you- and Happy 2010 Roger Ebert!

Dec. 29th, 2009


short and sweet. sigh.

this has, sadly, been one of the harder decisions i've had to make in awhile, but i think after two years (and 4 days if we're counting) my time here is finally through. i won't ramble because i will probably cry or something, but you guys are all awesome, and thank you all for helping make aubrey (and liam, and kheri, and the other brats who've had short stints here through the years) live this long, and thank you for being an awesome group to mod. feel free to pm if you want the contacts and all that.

love and kisses, and all the best <3

Dec. 23rd, 2009


Leilani's voice is getting a minor overhaul to the credits of Leona Lewis as I felt they messed better with Lea Michele's voice. She is pretty much the exact same character before the voice change though... soon her credits will reflect this change.

Dec. 20th, 2009


hey dudes! my parents wireless and my laptop are not getting along, so it looks like i'm regulated to blackberry use for the next two weeks. thanks to beejive however, i should be around on aim a little - however i forget liam's password, so i can't actually sign him on. feel free to reach him through aubrey's sn though, just let me know it is he you are after. also, since i am 90% sure i won't be online christmas day, i need to announce that it'll mark two years of aubrey and that's insane and i love you guys for keeping her rolling so long.

anyway, that is all for me. have an awesome holiday, dudes! xoxo

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