Pioneer Square - Seattle, Washington [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pioneer Square - Seattle, Washington

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[Jan. 16th, 2014|10:39 am]

Who: Jackie and Sean
When: (backdated) 1/7/14
Where: See Sound Lounge
Rating: PG for now
You can't say no to happiness )
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[Jan. 4th, 2014|11:25 pm]

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WHO : Frankie Kowalski and Josh Adams
WHAT: An accidental reunion at Frankie's 35th birthday party
WHERE Frankie's apartment
WHEN Friday night, Jaunary 3, 2014
Status/rating Um, Frankie likes to swear, especially when she's at home. She's in for a shock, so we'll say minimum of PG-13.

Let's party! )
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[Dec. 30th, 2013|05:36 pm]

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Who Daniel Kennet and Zachary Morse
What Surprise visit!
Where Zach’s apartment
When December 27, afternoon
Rating Low
Status Complete

Brotherly Love )
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hey all [Dec. 27th, 2013|09:44 pm]


I'm Father Daniel, the new priest at St. James Cathedral. I'm going to be teaching Latin and history at Seattle University. I just got here, so...what's going on Seattle? What's fun to do other than check out the Space Needle?

And uh...two truths and a lie!

1. I ran a marathon to prove I could
2. I was almost a pro soccer player, but blew out my ACL
3. my favourite band is Def Leppard
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[Dec. 21st, 2013|10:49 pm]
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Who | Janis Lowe and Jack Hawkins (and Moses)
What | Indoor cat vs disoriented pigeons
Where | Janis' apartment
When | December 20th
Rating | TBD
Status | In progress, closed

Seeing some new views wouldn't kill the cat. )
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[Dec. 20th, 2013|10:14 am]

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WHO: | Frankie Kowalski & Jackie Turay
WHAT: | Drinks and hanging out
WHERE: | The Owl 'n' Thistle pub, 808 Post Avenue
WHEN: | Friday evening, December 20th. 7:30pm
Status/Rating: | in progress; PG for now.

Everyone needs new friends, right? )
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[Dec. 10th, 2013|12:16 am]

I was at my favourite coffee shop the other afternoon getting coffee on a work break and there was a new barista working I hadn't met. So she looks me up and down and asks if I dance, which I do. It's no secret since the coffee shop is right next door to McGraw Hall and the entire company gets coffee there and I was wearing dance clothes. So she says "Is it true that to get that smooth look dancers have they cut your penis off?"

That was a new one. I nod, "Absolutely," I agreed, "They do it when you're 14, before puberty hits too much."

She about flipped her shit. I couldn't stop laughing. Where do people come up with this stuff?!

Hi. I'm Jayne.
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Thread: Desi & OPEN [Nov. 8th, 2013|11:09 pm]

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Who: Desi & OPEN
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Chidori Antiques
What: browsing, chatting, meeting people
Rating: PG?
Status: Open to all

it was a good thing that there was no cost to look around )
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