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Monday, August 30th, 2021

    Time Event

    Hey ya'll! Are you ready to get to work protecting the Sacred Timeline?

    'Course you are! That's perfect. Employees of the Time Variance Authority are afforded a ton of perks, including the ability to do what's right, free employee meals, and housing! Heck, there's even some travel involved. Wanna see all the worlds and times? Now's your chance at [info]foralltimemods

    [info]foralltimemods is a panfandom game based on the Loki tv series. All characters start as employees of the TVA and regain memories as they advance. Figure out who it is you can trust and make alliances in a place built on lies. Just be careful because the Time Variance Authority is always watching -- the Sacred Timeline, that is!
    Can't wait to see ya'll there!

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