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Friday, January 27th, 2012

    Time Event

    This game is taking the Marvel Universe and offering it to the player. Take your favorite characters and go with them to preserve the peace that is threatened by agents of chaos. How they are played and how we get there is up to us, the players. We give you full creative license. It is all up to us, as the players.Now that we have most of the important roles filled some from the mutant group are greatly NEEDED,Beast and Forge for the x-men and Warpath and Archangel for X-force as well as quicksilver. His dear sister is looking for him. anyone else missing is also welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you.
    [info]marvelversemod | [info]themarvelverse | [info]marvelverseooc

    Premise | Rules | Taken | Bases & Places | Holds | Apply | Wanted

    Wanted characters and More info here. )

    This is winter in Casa Grande. Come Escape to small town simple living, like so many other's have done. Life is only as simple as you make it.

    In 2010, the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office of the Ministry of Magic finally granted permission for the next wave of muggle electronics -- the television -- to be studied and modified with magic. Ten years later, there was a telly in the home of every witch and wizard with programming ranging from goblin talk shows to galleon game shows to dramas, comedies, music videos, and even movies. More recently, 2021 saw the advent of reality shows, like The Fashion Show and Love Potion No. 9.

    Get Real! was conceived by Maximus Trimble and Rhonda Roads as a way to appeal to the teenage demographic as well as pull in an older crowd on the strength of nostalgia. It's a reality TV show all about the life of the "average" Hogwarts student and the drama, laughs, and loves that blossom between them.

    Season 1 begins filming this school year. By proxy of returning to school this year all students and parents have given their permission to be featured and/or mentioned on the programme. And if certain liberties happen to be taken with the presentation of the footage, well... that's just show business!

    * * *

    Prescripted is a social next gen game based on the premise "what if a reality show were being filmed at Hogwarts?" It's The Office meets Harry Potter. Cameras and microphones are not allowed in the bathrooms, locker rooms, or any of the dormitories, but anywhere else on the school grounds is fair game. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean the cameras aren't rolling...

    Fame. It doesn’t last forever, but everyone is clamoring for their fifteen minutes of it. Whether you’re an actress or a Quidditch player, a publicist or a journalist, a socialite or a sycophant, the public eye is where you belong. You may have wanted this life, you may have been born into it, or it may have been an accident you wish you could take back. But no matter what you’re famous for or how many famous friends you have, the fact remains that your name is on everybody’s lips. And if it’s not yet, then it’s going to be.

    Sensationalists is a next gen post-warts Harry Potter game for every witch or wizard who has ever wanted to make it in the entertainment industry – those that might, those that have, those that haven’t, and those that manage them.

    premise | rules | taken parents | taken pbs | holds
    application | wanted | faq | ask box
    Set in the world from the movie Push, there are psychics, who just want to be free to live their lives, and Division, which wants to force them to see their way of thinking.

    Which side will you be pushed to?

    Will you fight Division on the side of the rebels? Or will you stand with Division, forcing other psychics to work on your side?


    PB Holds
    Cast List
    Mod Drop-Box
    Game to Open:
    Feb. 4 or at 10 charcters
    The Washington Irving Academy
    Are you tired of the same old canon Harry Potter games? Tired of your favorite characters being taken? Wish you could play your own original character in a Harry Potter game? Had your fill of seeing the same people with the same attributes and characteristics played over and over? Sick of high school games where the mods never enforce the rules and no one ever gets caught doing something they’re not supposed to? Are you looking for somewhere to play where the mods are understanding and actually do their job? Looking for people who don’t just play with the same two people all the time, leaving everyone else looking for plot?

    Boy, aren’t you glad you looked at ads in this community.

    Because this might be the right place for you. Here at the Washington Irving Academy, we have amazing professors, house point systems, open minded mods and characters, plot for anyone who would like it, a chat for ooc fun and getting lines for your kiddies, historically accurate... uh, history, weekly prompts and sports game results, and much more! The game is open! Come and join us!

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