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Monday, November 1st, 2010

    Time Event


    Welcome to Asheville, North Carolina!

    Asheville has been proclaimed to be a "New Age Mecca" as well as "the new freak capital of the US". Most people overlook these statements made by the media, because most of Asheville's residents live there because it was named one of the top seven places to live in the US, it's location in the mountains and surrounding areas is ideal, and life moves at a slower pace in the South.

    Little do people know that the first two statements are true, and Asheville has been rumored to sport some serious supernatural activity.

    For many years supernatural creatures of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds have been migrating to this city in the Blue Ridge Mountains. None of them can quite put their finger on why they are drawn there, but there is a pull that they just can't ignore. Perhaps it has something to do with the convergence of all these different supernaturals, or maybe something darker is brewing underneath the city of Asheville.

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    Welcome to Paradise...

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    On an island somewhere in the Bermuda triangle, you wake up, confused, in a luxury beach resort. A suitcase of your clothes by the bed, which you don’t remember packing. As you inspect the suite, you find a brand new laptop and blackberry on the coffee table. A note sits on top of the laptop and simply reads:

    Welcome to Paradise.


    Questions run through your mind rapidly. Where are you? How did you get here? Why are you here? Who did this to you? And most importantly...

    Where do you go from here?

    [Triangle Initiative is a Panfandom Game Updated and Expanded Upon from an old LJ Game]

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