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Saturday, September 4th, 2010

    Time Event
    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game

    Give A Little - A Hanson rp
    The Shout It Out Tour has just ended and the guys are back home with their families for the next several months. Things are starting to fall back into place like they were before the tour started.
    Zac and Kate are taking care of Shepherd while also preparing for the birth of their second child who is due in just a few short months.

    Taylor and Natalie are busy with their four kids. Taylor wants to wait before thinking about having more, but Natalie isn't the waiting type. She wants another baby soon.

    Isaac and Nikki are enjoying life with their two little boys, but are talking about possibly trying for another baby, hoping for a girl this time around.

    The guys are heading back into the studio soon to start working on their next album. Tension seems to be building between the three, will this album be their breaking point?
    Give A Little

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