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Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

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    Mystic Realm


    Feel the Magic

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    Since the beginning of time the creatures of magic have been awed, wanted, and hunted down. Religions fade and fall. Fears grow and abate. The beings of this world change, grow, and they adapt.

    Lost in the world grander than its dreams, a small town beckons you. Its name is Crystal Falls, nestled in the middle of one of the largest lakes of the south. The only way in is through boat or flight. There are others here like you. They live normal lives, adapting their ways as you have had to do to survive with your freedom. You wonder how many of them know. You wonder just how long you all have until the fear grows, questions go unanswered, and the hunts begin. You wonder if the humans will be able to stay, as some wish to keep the island for the mythical creatures only.

    For now, this town is safe, a haven for the mystical creatures of lore. They welcome you with open arms. Most are friendly like no other place in the world. More are coming, drawn to the power already here in this enchanted land, and by the powers of the ones long settled here. The promise of protection, friendship, family, normalcy, whatever it is you want out of your life is here and now. How long will it last? Who can you trust?

    Welcome to Mystic Realm.

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