Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - October 8th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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October 8th, 2014

[Oct. 8th, 2014|02:12 pm]




Welcome to the village of lost souls

A village out of time and space, hinged in a second of life and pulling people from key points in their life. Be it a choice that changed their fate, a near-death experience or a moment that decided their life, people are drawn to the village. One cannot find the location and there is no rhyme or reason to why and when people arrive or leave. It merely exists. The residents are nothing more than lost souls trapped by the magic and given a new life to live. The village assigns jobs and housing and those living have their part to play in ensuring the village’s ability to run and move forward. One cannot be forced to work or study, as the magic suggests, but as the saying goes “It takes a Village.”

The magic that holds the world together and yet separate from the one back home rewards the residents for working together, but punishes them for one's selfish act. When the residents stick together, the small town goes about its business as if it were an ordinary one. When someone does something for selfishness-consults the Oracle to seek personal gain, refuses to do their job for hatred of their position, or does something against another villager, the magic punishes the entire village with disturbances in their lives, great or small depending on the offense.

Disclaimer: This is a displacement-verse, canon-character, Harry Potter roleplay.

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