Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - August 28th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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August 28th, 2014

[Aug. 28th, 2014|03:08 pm]


Get in Loser; We're Going to the Mall!
a fun MCU rpg
This game takes place in some vague near-future, where everyone is basically happy and shenanigans reign supreme. Basically, this is a place to bring all those ridiculous Tumblr ideas that are rolling around, and play them out in a group setting. Want to de-age the characters for bit? Have Avenger sleepovers? Sam and Clint competing in the World's Best Nest competition? Let's do it all. This isn't to say there won't be more serious plots going on, but the game itself is designed to just be a place to come and write silly things. We won't have any far-reaching plots that fizzle out halfway through, just a lot of fun and low-pressure writing. Open to all MCU/AoS characters for now.

Game Opens At 7 Characters (2/7 current)

Rules . Dropbox . Holds/Cast . Apply
[info]avengerfunrpg . [info]avengerfunooc . [info]avengerfunmod
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