Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - August 8th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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August 8th, 2014

[Aug. 8th, 2014|10:06 am]


We Will Not Fail this City
*Rules*Application*Held and Pending*Cast List*

You honor the dead by fighting. And you are not done fighting! Malcolm Merlyn, The Count, The Clock King, The Triad, everyone who has tried to hurt this city -- you stopped them. And you will stop Slade.

And Oliver Queen did as Slade and his army ransacked buildings, torturing innocents, murdering the government, in all the mass confusion there is one group of heroes trying to save the city. Led by a man that started his road to heroism by becoming a vigilante and the won. Now he and his team are the only bright light in a city of darkness, Starling needs to be rebuilt and other heroes have started filtering into the town, hearing the news about so much carnage and death wanting to help. Some working together, some working alone but the one thing they all have in common...rebuilding their lives . Until one day a massive explosion rocked Starling City the accelerator melts down in S.T.A.R. Labs that was suppose to be shut down. The explosion ripped a hole in the time and suddenly people started to appear in Starling.

[info]starlingmods is an Arrow based panfandom game. We will be accepting DC Characters written into the arrow verse!

Game Opens on the 15th!
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