Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - May 20th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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May 20th, 2014

AOS RPG [May. 20th, 2014|10:01 am]


Game starts June 13th
Holds Are Open!
[info]aos_rpg is an episodic game set post-Winter Soldier and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season one. We are canon compliant to the MCU, but any marvel characters are welcome to play. Game plot will depend on which characters are in play at which time, and player input is both welcomed and necessary for a vibrant gameplay experience. The game will pick up immediately after the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D finale, and move forward from there.

An example of plots within an episode could be something along these lines:
  • Sam and Steve are on the lookout for Bucky, and meet up with Thor and Jane to investigate an Asgardian artefact.
  • Coulson's team repairs the bus, and makes contact with former S.H.I.E.L.D agents who are loyal.
  • Pepper, Maria, Sharon and Natasha have a girl's spa weekend, and just happen to infiltrate a Russian spy ring while they're at it.
As stated above, plots will be dependent on in-game characters, player interest and game advancement.

Before holding or applying for a character, please make sure you've thoroughly read the rules. If you have any questions drop a line to the mod dropbox.
profile layout by tessisamess@ij
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[May. 20th, 2014|05:17 pm]



"To build a better world sometimes means tearing the old one down. And that makes enemies."
―Alexander Pierce

The enemies of SHIELD have torn apart the organization and have seemingly assassinated its leader, Nick Fury. Operatives have scattered, unsure whether they can trust their closest friends, or even their handlers. A few trusted agents remain and under Phil Coulson's guidance, they are faced with the enormous task of building a better world and expelling HYDRA's agents from their ranks once and for all. They know it won't be easy, but very little is in the world of covert espionage.

And in the background, managing the mountainous task from his top-secret bolt-hole, is Nick Fury. Not dead. Very much alive, in fact, and ready to deliver vengeance to those who thought he could be easily taken out of the game. Few know he's alive but his presence is still radiating through the ranks of the new SHIELD organization.

They need to work fast. Recruit good agents, who can be trusted to guard their secrets well and hit back at HYDRA when they, inevitably, strike once more. The balance of power is up for grabs and either organization might come out on top. Whose world will remain when the chips finally fall? A world of freedom and liberty, or fear and perfection? Only time will tell.


It's All Connected is a role-play game set in the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Characters from or with a connection to either the movieverse, TV show or Marvel Comics are welcome here. So slip into your super-suit, inject your super-soldier serum and come and join the fun!

As the world is so extensive we don't accept OCs, but there's bound to be a hero or villain out there that will fit your RPing needs.

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[May. 20th, 2014|11:28 pm]


“Welcome to Marrowood; please survive enjoy your stay.”

Marrowood; a small, quaint little town. Or so it seems. At the heart of this town is a dark and twisted secret, a terrible truth that, once revealed, cannot be shut out until all who know are dead. With untold horrors roaming the town, citizens that respond to no amount of cajoling and nasty terrors waiting around every turn, will you survive your stay? Or fall prey to the darkness like those before you?
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