Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - April 2nd, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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April 2nd, 2014

Us Against Them Multi Fandom RPG [Apr. 2nd, 2014|03:18 pm]

Us Against Them

When You Awaken

Your eyes open and you might not recognize your surroundings immediately, but have no doubt about it; this is Earth. More specifically, Las Vegas, or at least what Las Vegas used to be, before everything happened. What ‘everything’ was, you don’t know, but the sky glows in a rusty haze, the sun hidden behind thick clouds of smog for as far as you can see. When you look around, what you encounter depends on where you landed, but there’s an undeniable theme here no matter where you are. You’re in the largest city of south-eastern Nevada, and you’ve never seen it so empty before. The streets are riddled with abandoned vehicles, some cars brand new with the doors still hanging open, as if hundreds of drivers simultaneously decided to leave their seat and never return. The buildings are crumbling and are scattered with broken glass and debris, and everything seems to be out of place. There are oil tankards beached up on shores, monuments and statues turned on their heads, and there’s blood. A lot of it.

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