Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - April 15th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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April 15th, 2013

[Apr. 15th, 2013|04:18 pm]



Faith: Looks like the Hellmouth is officially closed for business.
Giles: There's another one in Cleveland. Not to spoil the moment.
Xander: We saved the world.
Willow: We changed the world. I can feel them, Buffy. All over. Slayers are awakening everywhere.
Dawn: We'll have to find them.
Willow: We will.
Giles: Yes, because the mall was actually in Sunnydale, so there's no hope of going there tomorrow.
Dawn: We destroyed the mall? I fought on the wrong side.
Xander: All those shops, gone. The Gap, Starbucks, Toys 'R' Us... Who will remember all those landmarks unless we tell the world of them?
Giles: We have a lot of work ahead of us.
Faith: Can I push him in?
Willow: You've got my vote.
Faith: I just want to sleep, yo, for like a week!

Faith would never get that much needed rest, because as it turned out there was also another Hellmouth in Mystic Falls and San Francisco, California. When Silas was awoken he wanted to use Bonnie Bennett to lower the veils between the worlds, but three powerful witches known as the Charmed Ones tried to stop her. The two spells clashed and caused one big disarray of magic. The entire town of Mystic Falls and the Halliwell Manor was pulled through the hellmouth into Sunnydale.

Now that the Hellmouth is reopen in Sunnydale Silas, The Master and Cole Turner have taken over the Bronze. With the night club as a cover to curb their insatiable appetites they even have gained control of the local public offices. By day the town looks like a normal town, but by night vampires, warlocks and every other form of demon imaginable run the streets, praying on the innocent. Only one hope remains in the town; the Halliwell Manor has been turned into a fortress to protect the innocent from the oncoming night.

[info]boccainfernomod is a multi-fandom community. .

Wanted Characters

Xander Harris, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, Spike, Anya, Tara Maclay, Oz, Riley Finn, Charles Gunn, Winifred 'Fred' Burkle, Lindsey McDonald, Phoebe Halliwell, Paige Matthews, Piper Halliwell.


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Duets: A glee redo rpg [Apr. 15th, 2013|11:37 pm]


Duets: A glee redo rpg

Do you love glee? Do you wish they had done the stories differently? Then this is the game for you. No set ships, they will be up to the player. This is an AU game that has the option to be canon compliant. It’s pretty much open. OCs are welcome. The canons are first come, first served. And since this is an AU game, you can play around a little with their backgrounds. But not too much. If you aren’t sure, ask a mod. Game takes place during glee’s first season to begin with. We will be doing a month per three episodes. So, we would take a month for episodes 1-3, for example. You have all of that month to change things, or do new things. Then we will move on.

Link to the mod journal, which has all the info you need about available characters and whatnot
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