Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - January 13th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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January 13th, 2013

[Jan. 13th, 2013|11:27 am]



Paracelsus a next gen Harry Potter university game!

School; n. The process of being educated formally, especially education constituting a planned series of courses over a number of years. Or in most cases, learning about the opposite sex, gossiping, getting into trouble, and generally forgetting to learn one's studies all together over a number of years.

PARACELSUS UNIVERSITY was established in early 2000, two years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort in the Second War. Located in Powys, Wales, Paracelsus was an effort created by the Ministry of Magic as a way of higher learning for those that wanted it. Named after the famous alchemist, the school's moto Scientia Augeat - Let knowledge increase, is a testament to the Ministry's desire to create a solid foundation for education that goes beyond the standard seven years. Funded through taxation and private donations, Paracelsus University has a four year education programme, offering a variety of majors to choose from. All Wizarding peoples may enroll in Paracelsus as long as they have completed the prior seven-year educational programme at either Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang, maintain an A-average and acceptable attendance.

Located just outside the town of Welshpool, which has a mixed population of wizarding folk and muggles, Paracelsus University offers students on-site housing for a yearly fee or off-site housing placement. Students will find an arrays of clubs and sports to join in, as well as a small number of fraternities/sororities they can become a part of. Work programmes are offered as well, for those that wish to seek employment during their enrollment. Internships are offered to those in their second year and up; the University partnering with the Ministry of Magic, St. Mungo's, and The Daily Prophet to offer temporary entry-level positions. The hours worked exchange into credit hours based off the student's attendance. Fourth year students are also enrolled into work placement programmes to ensure employment upon graduation, whether it be permanent or temporary.


Set in the 2026-2027 school year, PARACELSUS is a next-generation, postwarts game intended to be a social game with a general school focus. We are looking for friendly, active players that just want to have fun.


please see [info]paracelsusmods for details!
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